indianpolis moto gp 2012 aug 19


New member
Hey people,

Wondering if anyone here is going to the moto gp in Indianapolis this year? I'm thinking about heading down but I have no-one to go with. If anyone is interested in coming along with me to help split the cost of gas etc let me know. I'm from Kitchener.

I somehow managed to convince my wife that would be a good thing to do for our 10th anniversary.

We are in section j3

Looking forward to it!
Just found out that I have access to Pit Passes (company sponsors one of the higher profile Moto2 teams), so looks like I'm going!

Too bad there are almost no good roads on the way there. Sigh.

Anyone else is riding down?
I'm going too, and yes hotels are booking fast. There is a convention going on at the same time. "GameCon?" anyway, they have booked blocks of rooms at many of the downtown hotels. Unused rooms should open up near the end of July.

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