Importing race bike from US |

Importing race bike from US


Well-known member
1. Assuming the bike has a clear US title, can it be registered in Canada as 'unfit or 'not roadworthy'? I want to have it in my name in case we take it back across the border to US tracks.
2. Do you have to let the border know ahead of time that you're bringing it through like you do with a normal road vehicle?
3. Taxes and duties at the border I assume will be the same as a road vehicle?
1. Assuming the bike has a clear US title, can it be registered in Canada as 'unfit or 'not roadworthy'? I want to have it in my name in case we take it back across the border to US tracks.
2. Do you have to let the border know ahead of time that you're bringing it through like you do with a normal road vehicle?
3. Taxes and duties at the border I assume will be the same as a road vehicle?
I don’t think so. I’ve imported a few cars over the years, they are required to be roadworthy and require a safety to complete Ontario registration.

Should be no different for a bike.
Doesn't need to be roadworthy. Doesn't even need an ownership. You don't need an ownership to take it across the border, you need a declaration of ownership. Race bikes don't have ownerships, and on some racebikes the VIN is UN-registerable in Canada
Yes the border wants 2 days notice.
Taxes and duties at this juncture are the same.
The process is a lot easier if you contract a customs broker.I use Peace Bridge
Doesn't need to be roadworthy. Doesn't even need an ownership. You don't need an ownership to take it across the border, you need a declaration of ownership. Race bikes don't have ownerships, and on some racebikes the VIN is UN-registerable in Canada
Yes the border wants 2 days notice.
Taxes and duties at this juncture are the same.
The process is a lot easier if you contract a customs broker.I use Peace Bridge
Is a declaration of ownership just a note from the current owner, or is it some official document? Thanks.
If all you care about is being able to bring it across the US border later, I would contact CBP and ask them. From a transactional prespective, once the seller has signed over the title to you, you are then the rightful owner regardless of whether you register it or not. CBP may see it this way, or they may not. You will also have a record of the export in your name when you remove it from the US after initial purchase.
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