If you're going to add a 3rd wheel to a bike...


Well-known member
...at least remember to remove the kickstand.




I bout this bike dont have time for it eny more wirks great paid $700 for it or am open to trades
Works great i have drove it all winter and drove it through mud works grat it starts all the time fers kick oil is chaned every two weeks abd air box is cleand allthe time i take pride in wout i have call me at 16133629526 thanks jesse
So did he change the oil every two weeks, or oil the chain every two weeks? And is a rear caliper available, or does the rotor "wurk grat" using the Flintstone braking method?

At least he was clear about driving it through mud, 'cause otherwise how would we have known!
Bonus points for the completely open exhaust, it must be a joy to ride
Caption reads "Good working bike" Three words, no spelling mistakes.

It's all downhill after that. And it looked so promising.
Thats how all the cool kids spell nowadays

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