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OK, I'll bite

What does ID2020 and Bill Gates have to do with the Chinese social credit system?
What's with all the Bill Gates hate?

I knew people that worked for him. He's supposed to be a nice guy.
What's with all the Bill Gates hate?

I knew people that worked for him. He's supposed to be a nice guy.
Apparently he’s the world mastermind behind all this COVID stuff....Something something vaccines reduce human population....

apparently if more people get vaccinated there won’t be a need to breed so many kids in the developing world, as they will have a greater chance of survival, got twisted into Bill Gates wanting to kill off a whole lot of people.
What's with all the Bill Gates hate?

I knew people that worked for him. He's supposed to be a nice guy.
He organized and created Event 201 in October of 2019. A virus that would spread throughout the world, shutting down the world economy. An exercise on how world leaders should respond. How the whole world would need to be forced into taking one of his vaccines. Then months later, it actually happened. The WHO was involved. The CDC was involved. Bill Gates was the second largest donator to the WHO. Donald Trump saw the WHO corruption and pulled funding. Now Bill Gates is the largest funder of the WHO and is left holding the bag.

In short, Gates wants to vaccinate the whole world with an RFID chip. The COVID-19 thing was a biological weapon released to kill some people to force the world into fear and thus wanting his vaccine. But the bio weapon failed to kill more people than the annual flu. It killed only 4 people in Hong Kong.

He wants to reduce the world population, which he states in a Ted Talks. Thus his vaccine will likely involve sterilization as it did in Africa. The Thimerosal, Aluminum and Formaldehyde can be viewed on the CDC's own website:

Thimerosal is mercury. Not only mercury, but methyl-mercury.

Strangely, Robert F Kennedy Jr took up the cause to expose these dangers. His own kid has been harmed The Kennedy's are men that tell truths.

They, the shadow government that JFK spoke out against and got his head blown off for, want the entire world RFID chipped to surveille you. Social distancing is to get you used to social distancing so that when masks are removed facial recognition can surveille you. It only works if you're six feet aparr.

If you refuse the vaccine, the RFID chip, the contact tracers, the mass amount of now unemployed who took this job will quarantine you repeatedly. You will not be allowed to travel. Your bank account may be locked out. You will not be allowed to shop. This is called the Social Crediting System. See this woman that applied for the job as a contact tracer:

Event 201 held in October / 2019

Contact Tracer Employee:

Social Crediting System:

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
June 20, 2019

The state of Michigan appropriating $125 million for the coronavirus epidemic that happened yet.

"To appropriate $125.0 million for state response activities to the coronavirus epidemic, with $50 million going to the state Department of Health and Human Services..."

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
President Trump is truth dropping in real time, all the time...all you have to do is listen.


"Outside of this artificial event..."

He knows exactly what is going on around him.

Anthony Fauci will be the next one fired or arrested. He's alluded to it. It will happen.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
President Trump is truth dropping in real time, all the time...all you have to do is listen.


"Outside of this artificial event..."

He knows exactly what is going on around him.

Anthony Fauci will be the next one fired or arrested. He's alluded to it. It will happen.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.

I believe thats called "passing the buck"
I believe thats called "passing the buck"
Passing the buck is when he made Birx sit like a little girl outside the Principle's Office. Look at her face. Injecting disinfectant was both a "truth drop" and a "pass the buck" as the ingredients in the vaccines Thimerosal / Formaldehyde are listed as Disinfectants! Look at her face!

FYI, UV light injection is being used to knock out cancer in Europe for years. Just like you would install a UV light on your furnace (I did) for a $100, where the air in your house has to pass by the UV light to recirculate the air in your house, so does the blood in UV IV treatment.

Also, Fauci and Birx were denouncing the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroqine as it wasn't part of the plan for them. A cheap drug that knocks out any coronavirus in days spoils the vaccination requirement model. Trump says "I'm on it, I don't have any side effects..."He's playing with all of them.

Also, the Canadian (Montréal) studies on Quercetin, a bioflavanoid that every health food store carries were crushed. Not part of the plan. Quercetin knocks out the virus in days. Not part of the greater plan tho to vaccinate the world. And make no mistake, this plan is extensive and was designed by AI and it's on the web for all to see.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.

Common side effects of quercetin include:
Wow... I feel like it has gone full bore "Wedgie" around here. Those that post or lurk in the Adventure Rider basement will recognize the reference.

The Mav sounds like one of my regulars. Full bore Covid 19 is a hoax, new world order, Earth is flat, Comet Pizza etc.y head hurts. Come on here and I get exposed to Alex Jones and Breitbart talking points here too. Sigh..

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Also, I don't know whether this was a hoax or not, but it definitely was a truth drop. The part that I found interesting was that it's our own JD Roberts...if you are a child of the 80's in Ontario, you'll remember Toronto Rocks which preceeded MTV and MuchMusic. JD Roberts was the host.

It's a hoax?

I don't as I've written. Since 9/11, thirty Virology Labs have been created across North America. One is in Winnipeg, Canada. I believe the two Chinese Nationalists that were arrested in Wuhan with vials of the biological weapon (modified coronavirus) in their socks were stolen from the lab in Winnipeg, Canada and they (as the Chinese do) were going to reverse engineer it to kill Caucasians as it was created to kill Asians. Guess who funds this lab in Wuhan? The US Government and Bill Gates.

Department of Justice Website:

The truth will eventually come out. It always does. I predict Gates, Fauci, Birx and George Soros will be arrested by the Trump administration.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.

Common side effects of quercetin include:
I use Quercetin every day for seasonal allergies. Best antihistamine there is.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Man...seeing this stuff pop-up time again kinda freaks me out a little.
I was raised in a strict baptist / pentecostal home and as a kid I used to freak out seeing 'Christian' movies that predicted the mark of the beast implants in the forehead or right hand.
Seeing all those beheadings and other forms of persecution at young age did scar me at some level.
Back then Motorrola was all the rage with some chip it came out Gates...

Part of me wants to say F all this noise..but the other beckons to the second coming of Christ/Rapture and the end of the world.


Seriously though - why would anyone in their right mind agree to RFID implants?!?!
We should reduce the population, if we have no intent to get off this rock anytime soon we're creating our own elimination anyways.
Malthusian argument. Comes up every few decades it seems. I did my part. My wife and I are dinks. However, my brother has 4 kids so we ended up static. Darn!

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