Ice Cream.....wth??

World wide shortage of ice cream. The Chinese are buying it all up.
Yeah, my wife's been buying up the Haagan Daaz for a few days now.

We always bought the Breyer's when it went on sale, but my wife bought some Chapman's last week and I gotta admit that it was some damn fine tasting ice cream.
nothing beats Kawartha Lakes Dairy Ice-Cream :P
The Superstore has it on sale for under $2.00 are limited...
Just make sure you're buying ice cream not that frozen dessert s#!t . If you settle for the latter, just don't read the label while you're eating that crap.
Check the size of the container while you're at it. They used to be 2 liter but now they're 1.68 or 1.7 etc. Also the flavours seem to be a lot more limited. Good in one way. I should lose weight.
Whaaat? We bought 8 ice cream cones for 3.99 yesterday. Go to Metro! One thing goes on sale when another ends. On nom nom nom nom. On a related note, I finally tried the magnum ice cream 'cause there was nothing better to do in Hamilton (lol). It definitely wasn't worth the premium price/hype
those ppl who buy CF for their bikes to save weight. save your $, just lay off the ice cream and you save the same amount of weight. LOL

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