I Used To Be A Motorcyclist Like You

how long is winter....
I'll be that guy: this is a reference to a recent computer game, "Elder Scrolls: Skyrim". There are guards in this game that when walked past, will occasionally say "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee." This meme will burn out in approximately 2 to 4 months.
I'll be that guy: this is a reference to a recent computer game, "Elder Scrolls: Skyrim". There are guards in this game that when walked past, will occasionally say "I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee." This meme will burn out in approximately 2 to 4 months.

Thanks you brave sir for risking the nerd ridicule by informing us of what the hell the op was getting at.
Can some hip jive-cat explain IBFR to me? I've only ever seen it used here.
Untill I saw that you were much faster than me.
"never go full retard" this thread is heading there...

Bahahhahahh :lmao:, I was surprised it wasn't posted earlier, I just had to do it :D. I have never played the game myself (actually haven't looked at my PS3 for about 8 months), my friend showed me it, thought it was funny/stupid how lazy the people who made the game to have a set phrase for every guard, but hey, apparently it's an amazing game and sold like crazy as soon as it was release, go figure :rolleyes:

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