I laughed so hard, might be going to hell for this | GTAMotorcycle.com

I laughed so hard, might be going to hell for this


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hahah I fail to see how this can be worthy of hellfire it's brilliant!
Holy crap! That's so awesome.
I hate gulls
Rofl!! +1000!
make it rain make it shower!
That's awesome!! Reminds me of highschool when my buddies and I got a loaf of bread and a couple bottles of Tabasco sauce. Gulls would eat the bread then puke it up cuz their guts would be burning so bad...good times! I also hate gulls.
lol, stupid kids, but funny

I've also had a friend who soaked a loaf of bread in vodka and fed it to the pigeons. I can never forget how funny drunk pigeons acted. :p
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Who's going to wasaga next weekend?


That's awesome!! Reminds me of highschool when my buddies and I got a loaf of bread and a couple bottles of Tabasco sauce. Gulls would eat the bread then puke it up cuz their guts would be burning so bad...good times! I also hate gulls.

i'm not crazy about seagulls either- but that's mean :(
It would be so funny if those kids were force fed laxatives...that would be ****ing hilarious. I'd laugh.
It would be so funny if those kids were force fed laxatives...that would be ****ing hilarious. I'd laugh.
stuck in a room full of seagulls that were fed the same thing... basically when they eat it as fast as they can or the seagulls eat it faster

better than any SAW film youve ever seen
geeze, people are sensitive!

I wish I could use them as target practice for duck season.

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