I have a fascination with insurance | GTAMotorcycle.com

I have a fascination with insurance


Well-known member
So I was looking at TD MM's online quotes...and since I'm a new rider this year I got quoted 2,900. I got curious for next season...so I changed the info as if I bought the bike last year, got my license last year, changed my age to a year older, etc.

I got quoted 1,300/year. THAT'S AN INSANE DROP!!

Is this a normal thing to be expected to happen?? I assume SF would be cheaper too?
online quotes are useless.

This. I did the td quote. When I called the guy informed me it's not 100% accurate. Then he asked if I was sitting down. It was 700 less than the online quote I received and he informed me that after this season it will go down if I don't get a ticket. Point of the info, call them.
Like a few have already stated above - using online quoting is a waste of time. In fact, in most cases they confuse the heck out of you instead of giving you a somewhat close to be an estimate number.

Not everything "online" is good for you. Use old good calling method :D
It's weird, but all my online quotes with TD MM (GS500F and CBR600 F4i) were exact to a dollar up until this year - new quote shows much lower number than what I'm currently paying, but TDMM rep refused to honor it.

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