I found another trail but need to cross a pipeline corridor to get to it | GTAMotorcycle.com

I found another trail but need to cross a pipeline corridor to get to it


Well-known member
I go on weekly trail rides here in Mississauga and mostly within along the credit river valley. Noi hikers or bicycle folks can easily negotiate the routes so they is no concern for push back.

We usually follow some old abandoned paths to avoid disruption to the area but the latest one requires us to traverse a Union gas corridor which has 'no trespass' signs.
Does anyone know if the local police have any jurisdiction on any private utility corridors, ie: hydro or pipelines?
If you run north of the 407 or steels should be lots of trails in that area following the credit
I go on weekly trail rides here in Mississauga and mostly within along the credit river valley. Noi hikers or bicycle folks can easily negotiate the routes so they is no concern for push back.

We usually follow some old abandoned paths to avoid disruption to the area but the latest one requires us to traverse a Union gas corridor which has 'no trespass' signs.
Does anyone know if the local police have any jurisdiction on any private utility corridors, ie: hydro or pipelines?
Would Union Gas have a fear of a terrorist pipeline attack?

I'm not sure of the definitions of trespass and criminal trespass. One would imply retrieving a tennis ball, the other casing the place.

If it was a simple transit and you weren't carrying anything harmful I can't see anything more than a warning first time. I could be wrong.
Why wouldn't have police over jurisdiction over it? They enforce trespassing laws especially when it comes to public utilities and infrastructure.

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