Hydro Bill - Durham


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I took my first Hydro reading today (New House)

The reader reads 000402 - does anyone have an ideal of how much does that come to (Aprox)

Just curious!

I took my first Hydro reading today (New House)

The reader reads 000402 - does anyone have an ideal of how much does that come to (Aprox)

Just curious!


Look at around $90 to $100. This was what mine was a few years back for 430. Yours may be lower since you city people pay a lot less than us farmers for delivery.
Look at around $90 to $100. This was what mine was a few years back for 430. Yours may be lower since you city people pay a lot less than us farmers for delivery.
That's how much i thought

Thanks a lot
So are u guys swinging yet? Being up all night can bump the bills up:rolleyes:

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
paying for your hydro has the amazing effect of giving you the habit of turning your lights off.
Anticipate much more than that .. Welcome to Brooklin. :)
lol - It is only 2 of us and we have no kids so we will see what the bill is. Property taxes on the other hand...Jesss !
I took my first Hydro reading today (New House)

The reader reads 000402 - does anyone have an ideal of how much does that come to (Aprox)

Just curious!


You probably have a smart meter, so it depends on the reading at certain times of the day.

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I took my first Hydro reading today (New House)

The reader reads 000402 - does anyone have an ideal of how much does that come to (Aprox)

Just curious!


My wife pays the bills but don't they ding you seperately for KW used plus delivery plus account fee? It used to be simple until they improved the system. As mentioned the little stuff can add up if left on 24/7.
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