How To Beat HTA172 |

How To Beat HTA172


I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It's quite obvious that this law is never going to go away. So how do you beat it? It's quite obvious that true "racing" or "stunting" charges are few and far between. How many times have you seen two tuner cars on a flat-bed? The law has worked its purpose and scared tuner car road-racers off fhe HWY's and onto the backroads. Cops are thus turning to us sportbike riders (not cruisers) to fill their quotas for this law. I ride with cops. They tell me about the "pricks" (their wording) they work with that hunt sportbikes.

So how do you beat HTA172?


You mess with cop's heads.

"Everyone" drive 30 over max. If it's an 80, don't go over 110. 70, like Hockley Valley, don't go over 100.

The psychology is this:

Cop sees sportbike
Cop wants HTA172 charge
Cop sees you doing 30 over
Cop either gives you a 29 over (3 points) or leaves you alone altogether (he knows the 30 will get reduced)

Take the high speeds to the "extreme" back roads.

What this will do is force cruisers off high ticket score areas to sit...and sit...and sit for sportbike to do a fly-by. Are they going to miss out on twenty tickets and hour to get one HTA172 charge? Not likely as their Staff Sergeant will wonder what's happened to their quotas. And, "Sgt, I spent the entire shift on Concession Road 5 waiting for a sportbike" is not going to fly. Traffic cops get reprimanded if they don't make statistical quotas.

Do 30 over in 80's. Do 30 over on the HWY. Rethink your thinking. Think "30 over, under 150." I've been making it my mantra as of late, and it's working. There's been more sportbikes taken this year than any year prior. Most riders are afraid (admitt it or not). Believe me when I tell you it's a game for cops.

30 over, under 150
30 over, under 150
30 over, under 150

Make it your mantra. If you want to change something, you outsmart your enemy. Watch the frustration from the cops and seagulls (tow trucks) as they have no more bikes to take and this predatory law begins to go all wrong for them!

If you want to mess with their heads even further and piss them off, slow right down to 50 in the transition zones. While cars are speeding, you on your 300 KPH + SS bike are doing 50.

Take the focus off sportbikes!

30 over, under 150
30 over, under 150
30 over, under 150

...yes, I'm trying to hypnotize you...
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Um, don't speed too much? Or was it supposed to be a rhetorical question?
So your plan to avoid getting dinged with a HTA172 charge is to ride slower?

Don't speed too much in the obvious areas. If you're not a track rider, you're going to get nabbed if you don't have a plan. I've seen over twenty sets of SS bikes on flat-beds this season, and read of countless others on here.
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So your plan to avoid getting dinged with a HTA172 charge is to ride slower?

OP is a genius........why didn't I think of that, fight 172 by not riding more than 50 over.
thanks OP the whole world makes sense to me now.

what's next, do you have the cure for cancer as well?
The most simple solutions are the most effective. People are getting nabbed so easily because they don't have a plan. When you implement a plan or a mantra into your riding, chances are you'll get to keep your bike. Having a plan "to run" is after the fact, and seriously dangerous. What I'm talking about here is a massive Campaign to get cops scratching their heads. And put an end to their game. Work within the parameters of the law to make this happen and you'll have them wondering what to do with HTA172 next.
OP is a genius........why didn't I think of that, fight 172 by not riding more than 50 over.
thanks OP the whole world makes sense to me now.

what's next, do you have the cure for cancer as well?

The cure for cancer is not to get cancer. Geez you guys are dumb :p

This thread is freakin' gold!!
Little known fact, both laser and radar guns are 3 digit displays, anything over 999 km/h will not read correctly.
I knew this thread would be full of win when I clicked on it.

Please. Continue.
The most simple solutions are the most effective. People are getting nabbed so easily because they don't have a plan. When you implement a plan or a mantra into your riding, chances are you'll get to keep your bike. Having a plan "to run" is after the fact, and seriously dangerous. What I'm talking about here is a massive Campaign to get cops scratching their heads. And put an end to their game. Work within the parameters of the law to make this happen and you'll have them wondering what to do with HTA172 next.

Let's organize a rally. I'll order the short bus for you and those who need to learn your message.
Little known fact, both laser and radar guns are 3 digit displays, anything over 999 km/h will not read correctly.

easy for you, what's that, 4th gear on your Busabusabusabusabusa?

What about us poor shleps on 600's?


ps. still want your bike. Trade for fast scoot?
Let's organize a rally. I'll order the short bus for you and those who need to learn your message.

Group buy on Short-Bus only Hockey helmets?
I think OPs master plan to get everyone doing 30 over is really just so we can act as decoys while he is doing 180 on the back roads.

nice try my friend, nice try
My mantra is 20 over maybe 25 on busy 400 series highways... If I'm 30 over its not for long.

I reserve my speed thrills for back roads that are at least an hour out of the GTA
Correct me if I am wrong, but 150 isn't a magical number.. is it not 50 over in ANY zone that gets you nailed with this charge?

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