How to adjust zx636 clutch cable...


Well-known member

My bike is lacking torque everytime I rev it on the road no matter which gear I am in. I was wondering if this is due to lose clutch cable? Because I noticed when I shift gear the clutch is only pulled lightly not all the way inward.

If anyone know where I can find info on clutch cable adjustment, please let me know.

Thank you!​
Clutch cable adjustment is dead easy. You have to have freeplay in the lever, which means, you have ot have some cable slack when the lever is completely released. This ensures the clutch is fully engaged when the lever is released. If you have no freeplay in the lever your clutch may be slipping while riding which could overheat it and eventually wear it prematurely. I don't know what the spec is but you should be able to move the lever 5 or 10mm before it starts to pull the cable tight.
oh great, i think i got no freeplay at all then... I'm searching to see where I can find info on how to adjust the clutch cable for my particular bike
oh great, i think i got no freeplay at all then... I'm searching to see where I can find info on how to adjust the clutch cable for my particular bike

There is a knurled adjuster barrel on your clutch lever. Just turn it in until you get freeplay. If your clutch is still slipping (if it's slipping..) when you have some freeplay in the lever, you may have to replace your clutch.
There are two adjustors, one on the clutch perch and one by the clutch cover.....two 12mm's are required or two 10's for the clutch cover adjustor.
ok thx guys, I will check it out later
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