How they do it .... in UK |

How they do it .... in UK


Well-known member
Pretty much the same as in here except for the roundabout quiz.
With the increasing number of roundabouts and Councillors pushing for more, it may be an "add" to the current curriculum. Many are not aware of the method to negotiate roundabouts.
Check it out ....

Roundabouts are so much fun. Way of life in Oz. Only one near me is white knuckle at times with a slow bike but rare now the over pass to avoid it is finished.
Only had one close call, I was at fault on a borrowed bike I was considering buying....that would have been messy ....tight roped it to get around....the driver was not giving an inch. :eek:
I was out with @Wind Shear and @monkeyfarm yesterday, We got split with wind shear ahead.
I was following a driver through a roundabout, she stopped dead in the middle of the round about, presumably to let someone into the roundabout from the side. Crazy dangerous.
We went around her. I assume she is still there.
I think the biggest problem with them is drivers treat them as an obstacle. Accelerate in and be the first out on the other side regardless of what others are doing.
I don't play the game. I wait till i have enough room and then get in and thru slowly and safely. Been honked at lots of times. Dilligaf.
There are some traffic circles in Sherwood Park Alberta built in limited space situations.
The buses can not get around them so they are designed to allow buses to pass over the middle!!!
The first roundabout I encountered while vacationing in New Zealand (driving on the opposite side) was interesting.
I was a motorcycle driving instructor back in the late 70s and we taught interesting things like the Teeter-Totter, getting over curbs and
emergency braking on wet grass/gravel.
Then the lawyers got involved and the course got sanitized.
I think the biggest problem with them is drivers treat them as an obstacle. Accelerate in and be the first out on the other side regardless of what others are doing.
I don't play the game. I wait till i have enough room and then get in and thru slowly and safely. Been honked at lots of times. Dilligaf.
Yes, treating the roundabout as an obstacle or "stop" sign is what disrupts the flow of traffic, negating their purpose.

Side question: what is it like to pilot a side-car rig through a roundabout?
Yes, treating the roundabout as an obstacle or "stop" sign is what disrupts the flow of traffic, negating their purpose.

Side question: what is it like to pilot a side-car rig through a roundabout?
It's a breeze. Left turns are easy. Right turns not so much with the hack wanting to lift. And with the Ural, most traffic slows down to get a better look. Lol
It's a breeze. Left turns are easy. Right turns not so much with the hack wanting to lift. And with the Ural, most traffic slows down to get a better look. Lol
Do you carry weight in the sidecar when you don't have a passenger?
And with the Ural, most traffic slows down to get a better look. Lol
I bet if you mount a replica MG34 they'll come to a complete stop. Instant right-of-way

Yes, treating the roundabout as an obstacle or "stop" sign is what disrupts the flow of traffic, negating their purpose.
I was T-boned by a nice fellow who refused to treat the traffic circle as an obstacle or "stop" sign. Then he wanted to pay under the table until he heard the cost.

Sometimes when the flow from one direction is heavy and they're all going to the third exit, you have to yield the right-of-way and stop. You always have to treat it as an obstacle, go around, and not drive right through the centre.
I was T-boned by a nice fellow who refused to treat the traffic circle as an obstacle or "stop" sign. Then he wanted to pay under the table until he heard the cost.

Sometimes when the flow from one direction is heavy and they're all going to the third exit, you have to yield the right-of-way and stop. You always have to treat it as an obstacle, go around, and not drive right through the centre.
If everyone follows "first entry" and "right of way", then the flow of traffic will be smooth.
Across the pond and in the middle-east, roundabouts are a way of 'driving' life, traffic flows and rarely are there accidents within the roundabout.

caveat: I am not a traffic expert or work in traffic enforcement,.

(I have spent 7 years driving in roundabout country)
If everyone follows "first entry" and "right of way", then the flow of traffic will be smooth.
Across the pond and in the middle-east, roundabouts are a way of 'driving' life, traffic flows and rarely are there accidents within the roundabout.
Downunder as well with a few traffic lights tossed in as well- some actually part of the roundabout complex to smooth out traffic.
Big ones still give me white knuckle moments being on a slow bike but so much better than constant stop signs and traffic lights with no one around.
Many intersections - even on state highways are YIELD instead of STOP for roads crossing or entering.

We see accident results - car in ditch etc but rarely a collision ....more too fast driving or rain as a cause.

Some seem almost foolish ...flat roundabout in a large parking lot :unsure:
roundabout requires many warning and directional signs for safety. The central island and entrance and exits must be well lighted at night. This tends to make it costly. Roundabouts have a particularly poor safety record for cyclists and motorcyclists.Apr 27, 2020
I wonder how many riders here recall the two QEW roundabouts?
I wonder how many riders here recall the two QEW roundabouts?

There were three. One in Stoney Creek and two in Niagara Falls
I think the biggest problem with them is drivers treat them as an obstacle. Accelerate in and be the first out on the other side regardless of what others are doing.
I don't play the game. I wait till i have enough room and then get in and thru slowly and safely. Been honked at lots of times. Dilligaf.

No one coming from the left with the right of way? I go. Don't brake. Don't let off the gas. You're on my right? Pay attention. Follow the rules. I have no issues with hitting you if you don't. Double that if you think everyone should yield to you because you're special.

No one coming from the left with the right of way? I go. Don't brake. Don't let off the gas. You're on my right? Pay attention. Follow the rules. I have no issues with hitting you if you don't. Double that if you think everyone should yield to you because you're special.


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