Looking for a first bike and noticing the number of km's on it don't seem to affect value quite as much as a car. I imagine it varies by engine but is there a general limit to how many km you want to buy a bike with?
Looking for a first bike and noticing the number of km's on it don't seem to affect value quite as much as a car. I imagine it varies by engine but is there a general limit to how many km you want to buy a bike with?
Looking for a first bike and noticing the number of km's on it don't seem to affect value quite as much as a car. I imagine it varies by engine but is there a general limit to how many km you want to buy a bike with?
Well I'm selling my bike right now (Ninja 250) with 15,800 km and apparently that is too high mileage according to some people. Lol.
Some people are retarded.
Some people are retarded.
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