How do you deal with racist/close-minded people?


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I find that in the Western society racism or hate mongering against a specific group is looked down upon. Yet, if you start dealing with first-generation Chinese (yup, I'm generalizing and borderline being racist lol), they likely have the following close-minded thoughts:

  • All Muslims kill people
  • Black people are scary and you should run away from them
  • Every religion except for mine should be condemned
  • All white people are racist

Sometimes these people end up being close friend's parents, close friends, or even your parents. How the **** do you deal with this? Just ignore it?
Treat those people like pine cones, and just side-step them, move along. No need to be around people that have such a narrow view of the world. If you can't avoid them, then avoid the topics that will trigger their inner Grand Dragon.
two options:

Spend a ridiculous amount of time and effort to sway their thinking, with the possible yet unlikely outcome of success


let hem live their lives and you live yours.

The way I see it, nobody needs to like anyone else. If they are not doing anything illegal or untoward or inappropriate toward anyone else, I guess that's their problem and they can be happy living in a smaller and contacted life unlike yourself.
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A coworker many years ago blurted out a racial slur in the crowded cafeteria.I stood up from the table we were sharing and told him aloud that i didn't realize i was sitting in the racist section and left.Three or four more followed me.
油井緋色;2276964 said:
  • All Muslims kill people
  • Black people are scary and you should run away from them
  • Every religion except for mine should be condemned
  • All white people are racist
Actually, those examples are not exactly racist (example, Muslim is not a race, etc).

What you wrote is actually examples of extremism. But you are right, it happens sometimes... even in Canada.
A coworker many years ago blurted out a racial slur in the crowded cafeteria.I stood up from the table we were sharing and told him aloud that i didn't realize i was sitting in the racist section and left.Three or four more followed me.

Good for you Ric !
There are some really touchy areas with the "isms".

If a person was brutally physically beaten by a member of a minority is it not realistic for them to have flashbacks when in the presence of others of that minority? Nobody bats an eye when some says "I was mauled by a dog when I was little and that's why I don't like them." (Now we bring in PTSD discussions.)

Do you find a big black bouncer more intimidating than a big white one? Racism is it not?

If I moved to China, India, Germany etc I would prefer a neighbourhood with some other Anglos. Does that make me a racist?

There are examples of racism in just about every race. It's as natural as farting. Done with discretion and moderation it fades away. People will get over it but keep in mind, there is no such thing as a silent fart.
油井緋色;2276964 said:
Sometimes these people end up being close friend's parents, close friends, or even your parents. How the **** do you deal with this? Just ignore it?

Just as they sound like a broken record you can sound like a broken record
Ignore them and move along. Dont waste your breath or time trying to change someones closed mind.
Why do people jump so quickly to judge books by their covers. I don't care what race you are or religion you believe in. If you're an ******* I won't like you regardless. If you're not then we're fine. If I'm related to you then you'd know from a young age I think you're an ******* for having an ignorant view of anyone you don't know.
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I recognize that everyone, is racist and closed-minded for one thing.

I then try and work around my own prejudice.
I find Chinese people the most racist, but it's pretty rare that I go to Chinese restaurants to eat. Black people seem the second most racist but I don't hang around Jane and Finch and white people I find the least racist. White people seem to be really nice to me all the time.
A coworker many years ago blurted out a racial slur in the crowded cafeteria.I stood up from the table we were sharing and told him aloud that i didn't realize i was sitting in the racist section and left.Three or four more followed me.

I hang with a group of Asian fobs sometimes. A friend of mine is dating a non-Chinese (Bangladeshi). The following comments came out after:

  • Have you actually seen her face? You know, cause they cover themselves up all the time.
  • Are you gonna start setting off bombs?
  • **** you're dating a terrorist.
  • Don't become ISIS and start stabbing people

Most were said with a lighthearted (borderline mocking) laugh.

I was honestly surprised at the comments that came out; wanted to say something but I kept it to myself and am venting on here now. Maybe next time I should just open a bottle on someone's head. I didn't really realize how often comments like this used to come up with friend's parents, my parents, and my Chinese/Asian friends until I gave it some thought.
Never before have so many people tried to drive a wedge between the "races" in this country. It will never be perfect, but try to remember what this land stands for. It really is the best country in the world. One only needs to travel abroad to see that.
I find that non white races are more racist against each other. From the darkness of your skin to the caste you are born in your society they really look down upon each other.
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