how do you address the judge, prosecutor and cop in court? |

how do you address the judge, prosecutor and cop in court?


Well-known member
fighting a stupid stop sign ticket and court date is coming up. i vaguely remember you're supposed address the JP "your worship", is this correct?

how do you address the prosecutor? "Mr or Madam prosecutor"? and if the cop shows up and you need to question him. do you call him "Officer <last name>"?

thanks guys!
Your Worship, Mr. Go **** Yourself and Officer Dickhead...Let me know how that goes.
If you can speak English your doing better than most other defendants so don't worry about it.
Your Worship, Mr. Go **** Yourself and Officer Dickhead...Let me know how that goes.

LOL hey, if you're outside the courtroom that might actually fly.

But seriously OP, inside the courtroom, the judge is "your worship" although "your honour" is tolerated as well. As for the other two, just call 'em what they are... Crown prosecutor--or just "the crown"--and officer whats-his-face or simply "the officer". As someone already said, if you speak good engrish you'll be fine and don't have to be too worried about convention. Good luck man
LOL hey, if you're outside the courtroom that might actually fly.

But seriously OP, inside the courtroom, the judge is "your worship" although "your honour" is tolerated as well.

Your worship for JP, Your Honour for a legit judge. Green sash: JP, red sash: Judge.
Yes, Your Worship is the correct form of address for a JP, though simply being polite and deferential is acceptable to most. When in doubt listen to how court officials address each, and you'll do fine.
If you can speak English your doing better than most other defendants so don't worry about it.

true story my last case I had a translator. Don't recall requesting one but it's free and I played along with it not speaking a word of English and allowing my translator to do all the talking. Couldn't say much to my translator because I can barely speak her language but judge was lenient and let me off.

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