How can drivers be this stupid....

That motorcycle rider had amazing reactions. He was able to adjust his line while he was still in the turn. But he also got lucky that the idiot truck driver didn't go back in his own lane.
wow! that idiot should be charged!
Frig.... rider has amazing skills. The driver is an idiot... he almost killed someone. Just to video some skate boarders.... dumb.
Wow that's an amazing save, very quick reaction.

That driver is an idiot, nothing else to be said about it. Eventually it'll be a truck coming down the other lane, he wont be able to save it then.

Ps. 5VDV253 is the plate ;)
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What ****** me off, is the way they nonchalantly laugh about almost killing someone... What a bunch of idiots. Great reaction from the rider, his heart must have been racing faster than his bike after that.
What ****** me off, is the way they nonchalantly laugh about almost killing someone... What a bunch of idiots. Great reaction from the rider, his heart must have been racing faster than his bike after that.

What i find most crazy about the whole thing is the rider didn't coast down to a stop. It sounds like the hit the throttle after he cleared the truck. Must have balls of steel.
^^ I'm thinking its not the first time some stupid crap like that happened to that rider... or the kid.

Just the fact that he posted the video shows he's not mature and does not understand the potential consequences of his actions behind the wheel of a car. Police seem to chase these videos of bikes speeding, now I really hope they go after this punk.
I WISHH i could get my hands on that kid..
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