Hey all,
I was wondering if it's ok to ride in the HOV lanes (2+ passengers) on highway 404?
I was wondering if it's ok to ride in the HOV lanes (2+ passengers) on highway 404?
**off topic** I know some diamond lanes are also Bike friendly
??????Two different answers, come on which is it? is it ok to ride in the HOV lanes of the 404 or not??
I actually thought bikers were allowed to use the HOV lanes, because we are eco friendly. I was going to use the lane last week, but decided not to at the last second . . . I thought it would be best to research first. It was a good thing I didn't use the lane, because there was a cop camped out close to the Hwy 7 exit!
its really not that complicated.. there are signs everywhere... 2 passangers or more..
if you're riding with a passanger, you + them = 2 (see how that works)....
THEREFORE you can use the HOV lane.
in the city they have pretty little pictures of a man on a motorcycle... THAT means you can use that lane as well..