Honda Rebel 250 Running Issues


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My room mate has a 2001 Honda 250 Rebel.

The other night we went out for a ride and the bike bogged and died on her.

What happens is the bike starts up fine. Bike runs for a bit. She may or may not be able to ride it for a short distance then it bogs down and dies.

The bike ran fine last season until it started to get cold. The carb got clogged so her and her brother cleaned it. Apparently it ran fine after that.

Over the winter we put the fuel stabilizer in it. She did not do the oil change then. She waited till the spring and changed the oil then.

When she took it out of storage she rode it around before doing the oil change and said it was fine. We did the oil change and that's when she started to have issues.

I am not great with carb bikes but I figured it could be the issue. We purchased some carb cleaner and sprayed it into the carbs. It doesn't seem to be doing much. We are putting fresh new gas into it tonight but I am not sure if that will do much.

Like I said, I haven't done much with these kinds of bikes and the simplest things escape me some times. Anything that I can do to help her save some money before we resort to taking it in would be great. I am always skeptical taking the carb apart cause those little screws can break so easily I find. I also hate cleaning jets.

Air, fuel, spark.

Check the airbox/air filter. It may be clogged with mouse nesting or a seed cache. A clogged filter will cause the motor to run rich, which could have progressively dirtied the sparkplugs. Check their conditon. Are the sparkplug boot wires damaged?

Depending on the bike's age or condition, the tank might be rusting, which could clog the intake screen, petcock or carbs. The oil screen could be clogged with sediment, etcetera. Do the easy stuff first and narrow it down a bit in case you need a mechanic.

Check the battery, too.
Flywheel is right on.
Check that air filter, exactly the same thing happened to my wifes first bike , A Honda Rebel.
I took the filter out to test start and it ran perfect.
Replaced it and it was fine after that
Yeah the filters fuel and air is needed to be checked.
I just replaced my air filter few weeks ago.
It's not the air filter. I pulled it out and it's still bogging down.
We put in the fresh fuel. It ran well for a few minutes then died again.
I sprayed carb cleaner into the venturi but it died after a few minutes again.
Looks like I need to be going into the nxt step. I'll try some of your suggestions.

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