Hole in engine that leaks antifreeze....Uhuo


Active member
So today I picked up my new 06wr450f, upon further inspection at my house I noticed A small hole on the bottom of the engine casing by the water pump. Uhuo.... So again started up the bike. No leaks! yay!, but in the back of the pickup [started and let it idle in it for a bit so my friends parents could hear before] there was some antifreeze...so now I'm worried. start up the bike again and let it run for a bit and sure enough antifreeze starts to drip out of this hole. My friend and I had to FILL the radiator, I thought it would have just been a bit low on water but it was bone dry empty. Oddly enough this hole looks like a machined hole??????

The hell is this hole and why is it there and leaking water??

p.s the water pump does work, there is a mighty flow in the radiator when the bike is running.
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sounds like the weep hole on the water pump to me, time to do seals, that hole is there to let you know that your antifreeze is leaking, before it leaks badly enough and gets into the oil.
sounds like the weep hole on the water pump to me, time to do seals, that hole is there to let you know that your antifreeze is leaking, before it leaks badly enough and gets into the oil.

after lots of reading it sounds like you are bang on. Im going to do an oil change and order the seals tomorrow. [First time with a bike with a water cooling system. Im use to air cooled LOL]

dont change the oil until after you do it, you will have to take the side cover off the motor and lose all the new oil you put in, or you could drain the rad and then lay the bike down on its side and do it, but its easier and cleaner just to drain both at the same time, make sure you inspect the shaft, if its been leaking for a while you may need to replace the shaft too.
make sure you inspect the shaft, if its been leaking for a while you may need to replace the shaft too.

I can almost guarantee the shaft will need replacing too... they're known for it. And the shaft is expensive.
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