Lightly used for not even two weeks. Helmet is perfect! Got it for $150+ tax. Never dropped or hit, and handled with extreme care. No scratches or dings.
Only selling it because it's a size too big for me.
Asking for $120. I know its a long shot but the cheekpads haven't molded yet, and it really is a great helmet.
Comes with clear visor and pinlock insert. Will throw in a Silver Mirrored Visor for an extra $10.
Please PM or text/call 416-732-6646. Helmet is still fresh!
Only selling it because it's a size too big for me.
Asking for $120. I know its a long shot but the cheekpads haven't molded yet, and it really is a great helmet.
Comes with clear visor and pinlock insert. Will throw in a Silver Mirrored Visor for an extra $10.
Please PM or text/call 416-732-6646. Helmet is still fresh!