High Park Closed to cars...

Well they did it. The pedestrians and cyclists got the park closed to vehicle traffic on weekends and statutory holidays. Guess I'm not going there anytime soon (or ever again).

I'm surprised that the uppity wankers surrounding high park haven't managed to get that whole part of the city gated off to keep the riff-raff out. Toronto changed their zoning yesterday to allow up to four dwellings on any residential lot. Cue the drums and uproar over "character of the neighbourhood". In less desirable neighbourhoods, a fourplex with 1200 sq ft walkup condos is selling for just under 1.5 per unit. High park you might be able to get 2M per unit. Makes it hard to compete if you want a single family home and others want to build four-plexes.
Well they did it. The pedestrians and cyclists got the park closed to vehicle traffic on weekends and statutory holidays. Guess I'm not going there anytime soon (or ever again).

That's been going on for some time now. The cyclists were pushing for even more.

We had lunch at the Grenadier last week, non weekend. Parked right at the restaurant.

Parking anywhere within a mile of the place on a weekend is crazy. Did the people that created this ban consider that disabled people like the place as well?

How about access for handicap plates?

A wheelchair going down the steep Deer Pen Road might not be a good idea but some places are accessible. What's wrong with having tea with granny at the Grenadier or her watching the grand-kids in the playground?

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