The reason people tell you to, as a beginner, buy a beginner motorcycle, is because they are designed for beginners.
I don't care if you've driven Formula 1 all of your life, and you hold every 4 wheeled land speed record known to man. This mean nothing as far as motorcycling is concerned.
If you are interested in insuring, and riding motorcycles, then you should start where everyone else does, at the bottom.
You don't hire a kid off the street to be your doctor, he has to go to med school first. You let any arsehole represent you in court either, usually there is a legal background involved. If you would take the time to hire the right person for those two jobs, either of which can GREATLY effect your quality of life, then why in gods name would you allow yourself, unqualified, to pilot a land rocket without proper instruction and the skills to control it?
Unless of course, you just want to spend money and stand around at a Gas station or Tim Hortons and look the part...
Ultimately you will benefit more by going through the steps and actually become a competent rider, and no one on this site can stop you from buying a Literbike, but don't say we didn't warn you.
Recommended First Bikes:
Honda CBR125 or CBR250 or Rebel
Kawi Ninja 250 or Ninja 500
Suzuki DRZ400SM or SV650
...and there are plenty more!!!!