Hey! New to the site! | GTAMotorcycle.com

Hey! New to the site!

* NV_-Me <-

Well-known member
Hey GTAMers, I'm new to the site, well technically I just forgot to intro myself last month but yea still new . This is my second season, I knew about gtam last year but was too shy to join and chat, but I'm ready this year. I ride a '09 ninja 250, I'm hoping to meet many new people and go on fun group rides/meets, and learn more about motorcycling!

P.s. please don't think my username means I seek attention, it's a username I've been using for a long time in online gaming and it sorta just stuck to me :), I'm not egotistic or arrogant, i promise! :D
Welcome to GTAM!!
Welcome!! glad you decided to join the chats. its always great to get everyone's point of view on a discussion. hope to see you around!! enjoy, and ride safe!!

Hookers to the right, drugs to the left.

Enjoy your stay.
welcome!! we gots the same bikeee aww yeee, ride safe have fun!

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