Hey! new from toronto


New member
Hey, was looking for some GTA forums to register in.. this one caught my attention :)

Just bought a ninja 250r, i'm a beginner, new to the riding world and lifestyle but im VERY READYY to embrace the world of riding
wish me luck xx
Hey, welcome!

250 is a great choice! You'll love it :D
welcome!! on the same boat and same bike as you haha happy riding!
THANKKK YOU ALLLLLLL ! XX i just found out that my town is paving the road infront of my house, so now i dont have to keep my bike in our friends garage in town this summer i can ride all the way home now :cool:
I'm in pretty much the same boat.
This is my season to learn riding. Going to be taking the classes soon and gonna be buying a Ninja 250 in a couple of weeks.

How is the bike? I hear it's excellent to learn on. Can't wait!
BIKE IS AMAZING :D i am happy that i didnt settle for a hyosung or a cbr 125
but i have a feeling i will get sick of this bike by next year
BIKE IS AMAZING :D i am happy that i didnt settle for a hyosung or a cbr 125
but i have a feeling i will get sick of this bike by next year

That's what most of my riding friends have told me too. They say the 250 is a great bike to learn on but you get bored of it within 1-2 seasons. But luckily they have great resale value. They really hold the value over time, so you won't lose too much money selling it next year.
Enjoy your ride and welcome.
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