Help the Georgian Bay Turtles


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[h=3]OVERVIEW:[/h]Seven of Ontario's eight turtles are listed as species at risk. The greatest threat to their survival is that female turtles are hit by cars when they leave the water to lay their eggs. It is possible to save many of these turtles, repair their shells, and get them back into the wild to lay eggs for the future. Since turtles can lay eggs each year for a century or more, every adult female is important to the population.

The Georgian Bay Turtle Hospital will serve the Georgian Bay/Lake Huron watershed, the only watershed in which all eight turtle species may still be found. The Georgian Bay region supports some of the best remaining turtle populations in Ontario.

Injured turtles may be brought to the hospital for treatment and recovery. Treatment will be provided through a network of veterinarians, rehab centres, and volunteers. The recovery process may take months, with care and feeding provided by volunteers. After recovery, turtles will be returned to their original location.

Eggs from turtles that cannot be saved can often be recovered and hatched. These devastatingly cute babies face challenging odds, but at least they have a chance. While saving the adult turtles makes a bigger impact, every little bit helps!

The success of the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre, since 2002, has been an inspiration for us to undertake this effort. Their operations have saved thousands of turtles, but they are already operated near capacity and could use some help! Ultimately, we would like to see a network of similar facilities across the province.

Scales Nature Park is donating the use of a building and land, plus some materials and labour to get started. Additional funds are needed to proceed with building and site modifications, and to purchase required equipment. Donations of materials, cash, and time are welcome! Please help us to help the turtles!

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