Help removing single screw College & Dufferin

So... For the past week I've been trying to remove a SINGLE damaged screw from the cover on the oil pump of my little 2 stroke. I have tried easy outs/screw removal tool and I am now left with a screw that has a smooth hole in the end, and will NOT come the f out!

Can someone who has removed a screw like this come and help me get the little bastard out? I'm near College and Dufferin.
You need a manual impact hammer with a decent set of bits (e.g. snap on). If I still have one it is 4000 km away so no help to you, but it is a fairly easy job with that tool and a little patience.
If you have access to a dremel or similar, you can try cutting a slot into the head of the screw and then using a regular flat head screwdriver to back it out. This assumes the head is not recessed into the cover and the screw is not torqued horribly tight. Good luck.
If you have access to a dremel or similar, you can try cutting a slot into the head of the screw and then using a regular flat head screwdriver to back it out. This assumes the head is not recessed into the cover and the screw is not torqued horribly tight. Good luck.

Thats a damn good idea. I have a dremmel. I'll try that this weekend :)
If you have access to a dremel or similar, you can try cutting a slot into the head of the screw and then using a regular flat head screwdriver to back it out. This assumes the head is not recessed into the cover and the screw is not torqued horribly tight. Good luck.

That's what I did but the screw was flush and I used one of the cutting disks to make the slot. Since the slot was an arc, deeper in the middle I ground the tip of a screwdriver to match the arc, minimizing the chance of messing it up worse. Get a good fit on the thing as you are running out of second chances.

I also used a pretty decent screwdriver for the job. Parts sellers like it when you use cheap tools.
You'll want to give it a few decent taps with a drift punch the same radius as the screw head, first. If it's seized up internally, that will help break bonds on the threads.

Once you're talking about cutting new heads, your options are getting slim. Next up is applying heat.

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