Help Planning Pennsylvania Ride to MotoAmerica Race |

Help Planning Pennsylvania Ride to MotoAmerica Race


Well-known member
Hello All,

My friend and I are planning on going to the MotoAmerica race August 25-27 in Pennsylvania.

I haven't ridden in Pen before and was hoping the knowledgeable people here could chime in on the planned route.!2m2!1d-80.343192!2d40.849989!3e0

Let me know if this route is resonable, we are both SS riders so something flowing and curvy is awesome with out going way out of the way and keeping it semi direct.

I look forward to your suggestions.
you wanna go the longer way thru Susquehannock State Forest rather than Allegheny Forest, roads 44, and 144, Portage rd, 555 is what I remember off the top of my head, but there are a few ppl here that can recommend a whole lot more
do a search , there are plenty of info on the forum that I referred to when I went last time
I would also suggest taking the 949, because it has much smoother pavement that the 666. Both are good for fast sweepers, so you could also take one way there and a different way back. One good thing about taking the 59, is that it's worth the stop at Kinzua Dam - which you pass right by on your revised route. I further revised that route to show you the 949, the 280 and Longhouse Scenic Drive - but this removes some of the roads you had in there.

Like mbroyda said, if you can handle heading a bit further east, there are some pretty sweet roads out that way.
The first post of this thread has the best of what PA has to offer, further east of your route:!

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