Help me choose a clutch master cylinder


Well-known member
I just went out and measured the slave cylinder piston on my ZX7 and it has a diameter if ~ 33.5mm

Now, I'm not exactly sure what my current master cylinder ratio is but it is an axial unit made by Nissin. So according to the following website, I most likely have a 15.9mm piston (14mm would likely be too small to disengage the clutch):

I'm looking to replace my current axial MC with an aftermarket radial MC. Partly for bling, partly for a lighter clutch with more modulation/travel (this is for a street bike).

I really like the CNC Brembo units but for some STUPID reason only the 19x18 and 19x20 MCs are within my price range (smaller bore units cost almost twice as much).... Everything I've read on clutch master/slave cylinders thus far leads me to believe that a MC with a 19mm piston should be paired with a slave cylinder that is at least 38mm (hydraulic ratio of 2:1) but maybe I'm wrong....

So yeah... I'd love to get the CNC Brembo units but I'm afraid my clutch will destroy my hand in traffic.

In terms of alternatives, I'm not a fan of Accossato or the Brembo RCS line. Nothing else seems easily obtainable?
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