Hells Angels Retail Store in Leslieville

I liked when they interviewed a toothless guy on the news last night he said 'they're just regular good ol boys, nothing to be concerned about'...I don't know any bikers, biker gang affiliations but that just seemed like a funny thing to say considering what they represent.
Those guys do an absolute **** ton of charity work and a lot of good that never gets reported.
If you're not into strip clubs and drugs than you'll never have to worry about them. Just stay out of their way and they'll leave you alone.
Maybe the Crips will open a shop on Driftwood Ave. Gotta merchandise yo, keepin' up with 81, those dollars won't launder themselves yo!
Interesting spin with the "81 club" acronym. With "club colors" being just for actual members its an enlightened marketing angle.
In my personal opinion, I agree it's marketing brilliance. They will get to advertise and have their name in the media. Cash based t-shirt sales should do really well due to all this new-found popularity.
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I think there was every tv and radio news truck there this morning .They were all hanging around afraid to approach the door.
I guess they see the huge success of the SOA apparel and figure even if they get a small piece of that action then why not.
This commenter has it right:
Two words: Frontal organization. A frontal organization uses the profits From the store will be used for illicit activity. I am not going to lie, profits will also be used for a few charities, but, these charities will create a cover to allow for more criminal activities. They will help a few, but there will be great harm. The harm will be widespread because instead of public funds going to healthcare, education, better public facilities or credits to starting small businesses and maintains medium and corporate businesses (all foundations to a more just and inclusive democratic society), public funds will be used to contain the illicit activities of the hells angels along with their organized criminal allies around the world. True, organized criminals offer work but again it will only benefit a small portion of the population while harming the rest of society. Those harmed are the victims of modern slavery such as illicit sex workers mostly the female gender, consumers of illegal drugs victims of extortion and society as a whole because public funds will be used to contain their activities preventing funds from again going to healthcare, education, improvement of public facilities, better access to water and health care in poor countries, and business grants for small and medium business as well as corporations. The actions by these criminals is technically elitism, their actions benefit or enrich a few while sacrificing benefit (through better access to services) and opportunity to be enriched for all. Looks like large and corporate businesses as well as democratic governments have incentive to compete with these organized criminals regarding job creation and charity to contain the sphere of influence of these criminals.

This commenter has it right:
Two words: Frontal organization. A frontal organization uses the profits From the store will be used for illicit activity. I am not going to lie, profits will also be used for a few charities, but, these charities will create a cover to allow for more criminal activities. They will help a few, but there will be great harm. The harm will be widespread because instead of public funds going to healthcare, education, better public facilities or credits to starting small businesses and maintains medium and corporate businesses (all foundations to a more just and inclusive democratic society), public funds will be used to contain the illicit activities of the hells angels along with their organized criminal allies around the world. True, organized criminals offer work but again it will only benefit a small portion of the population while harming the rest of society. Those harmed are the victims of modern slavery such as illicit sex workers mostly the female gender, consumers of illegal drugs victims of extortion and society as a whole because public funds will be used to contain their activities preventing funds from again going to healthcare, education, improvement of public facilities, better access to water and health care in poor countries, and business grants for small and medium business as well as corporations. The actions by these criminals is technically elitism, their actions benefit or enrich a few while sacrificing benefit (through better access to services) and opportunity to be enriched for all. Looks like large and corporate businesses as well as democratic governments have incentive to compete with these organized criminals regarding job creation and charity to contain the sphere of influence of these criminals.

Simply put - government hates competition?

(BTW I think this argument that they take away public funds that could go towards healthcare, education, etc, etc, complete BS. For starters, gas plants anyone?)
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