Hello! Almost a new rider!


Hi, little background:

Got my M1 and M2 when I was 16. Then learned the harsh reality of insurance costs! I did get to ride around a little bit on some family members bikes, but not much :(

Fast forward to today, got my M1 last Friday...and put a deposit on a bike the next day :) Should be picking it up next week! Need to book my M1 exit course ASAP! Although the lessons I learned back then have still stuck with me, that course is definitely necessary!

Bike is a 2010 Kawasaki ER-6n. Lots of haters on the naked bikes, but I like them. Bike seemed good for a new rider and something I wouldn't be bored of too quickly so I could have it for several years!

See you around!
welcome! and congrats!!
Welcome, I have a 09' 650r definitely a good bike to start out on.
i was thinking of an ER before too..I like the naked styles, was really ga-ga over streetfighters before (now more of a SS guy though)
Have you done any mods? Looking to clean up the rear fender right away, and get some frame sliders or a cage.

Well I haven't done them myself as when I got the bike last year it already had the fender eliminator, yosh slip on exhaust, after market handle bars, and tinted wind screen.
But I have worked on some other kits with couple other friends they typically aren't hard to do, just take some time.

Only this year I have put on pazzo brake and clutch levers. During the winter I am going to put in projector head lights with angel eyes and a tail light with integrated turn signals.
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