Heated jacket question - modification


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hey everyone,

looks like my job involves me being outdoors a bit more than normal so was wondering if anyone has any recommendation on using the motorcycle heated jacket (Gerbins/Gears) without a connection to a moto battery?
Basically is it possible to find a small / lightweight battery with +/- terminals that can power the jacket with availability of recharging? Not sure if this is possible but might be a solution as the jacket would fit great underneath my reflective parka. Otherwise I'll have to look into buying an actual heated jacket for this winter.

I've bought the 12v cigarette adapter for a friend who was using the vest on a construction site. But he has a lighter in his machine to plug into.
The info I can find says a Gerbins heated jacket pulls 77W at 12V. Powering it at full steam would be a nightmare for batteries. Can you get away with lower power? If you feed it with 4 alkaline batteries (6V power supply), the jacket should pull ~40 watts (~3A draw). Each D cell holds 1.8 Ah so you'd need to change batteries every 40 minutes. If you can get away with 1/4 power (2 D cells in series) you would get away with 1.2 hours for every 2 D cells. I'm not sure reducing the voltage further would provide much heat to you as it is spreading it over such a large area.

The short story is, your jacket is designed to be hooked up to a limitless (relatively) source of power, your best bet is to buy a jacket designed to run off a battery. For instance, the gerbing heated vest draws 8 W at full power.
I thought the Home Depot price was a little bit more expensive then the price at Milwaukee for their clearance
You're right. $99.99 at Home Depot.
Thanks guys appreciate the input.

I did the numbers and I don't see myself finding a reasonably priced battery pack that will give more than a few hours of juice to the jacket.

ill check out the HD hoodies tomorrow as there's one near me in Etobicoke as well.
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