Hearing test | GTAMotorcycle.com

Hearing test

Seems like the province will chip in $500 towards hearing aids
What did you say..... I can't hear you. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
When I got an ear infection and went deaf, OHIP covered everything. I have no idea what the cost is if I ask for a hearing test. IIRC, industrial clients were paying ~$100/test 20 years ago to get employees tested.
Had a free one at Costco a month ago. Getting some wax cleaned out at the doctor’s Thursday, and a second test next week. No cost has been mentioned. I will probably end up with hearing aids. Many of the hearing aid shops offer free tests.
There is a longer thread on hearing aids elsewhere
...do your due diligence...the whole field ( not the tests ) is pretty scammy.
Apple is moving further into the HA field and you can try a pair of their Airpod Pros as a decent test run and then return them within two weeks. Despite my settling on a $800 solution instead of the $4500 solution ( not the most expensive at all ) ...I'm still going to try the next round of the Airpods for use in noisy environment when trying to hear conversation. Just have to sit there at times with no clue as to what is being said.

Much depends on where your hearing loss is. Make sure you get a paper or digital copy of the hearing test for ongoing use with other suppliers,
Caveat Emptor.....good luck.
Booked a hearing test for October 1st, gonna find out how bad off I am after all those years of unmuffled race bikes and little or no ear protection.
Anyone know what OHIP covers and what could be out of pocket (OG) ?
There are lots of places that offer free hearing tests in Toronto. If you want a prescription for an OHIP covered hearing aid, it will cost around $200.

Be prepared for a hard sell on an expensive hearing aid if you get your test at a store.

Some of those stores are pretty slimy, they’ll quickly figure out how much is available from your work benefits, OHIP, WSIB. I’ve seen them chase old employers for retirees.
Can’t imagine a hearing aid shop that wouldn’t recommend hearing aids ….

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My mother went in a year or two ago - came back with certified good hearing. Frankly the whole family was shocked (and my brother & father both use hearing aids)
Your hearing is the number one thing you can change to avoid dementia.
Hearing aids are a small pain. Being back in the conversation is the large gain.

I can save you the test:
Some one says something and you miss it. You ask them to repeat it and you miss it a second time. Once more you ask and they repeat it again. When you miss it a third time rather than look stupid asking again you smile and pretend to have heard it.
If this happens to you it's time.
Some one says something and you miss it. You ask them to repeat it and you miss it a second time. Once more you ask and they repeat it again. When you miss it a third time rather than look stupid asking again you smile and pretend to have heard it.
If this happens to you it's time.
Or your friend/spouse is screwing with you and intentionally making it hard to understand.

My dad has always liked things much louder than my mom. He went in to get his hearing tested and they both expected it to suck. It turns out it was good and just personal preference. They bought headphones for the TV that intercept the optical signal so he can listen loud on headphones and she can listen quieter on soundbar.

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