Has anyone else been sick more than normal this winter?


Ironus Butticus
Staff member
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Curious if I'm alone on this. It's been a ****** winter for getting sick for me.

Unexplained (probably viral) general malaise, flu like in some cases, but never seems to have all the "yeah, it's the flu" symptoms so I'm not sure WTF is going on. Twice so far this winter, first time a month or two back lasted only 24 hours, but it's got me again now and is going on 3 days and I can't shake it.

- Chest infections/bronchitis. Twice this winter for me.

- Had a cold that dragged on for 3 weeks at one point.

- My ears spontaneously plugged on my last chest infection a month ago and haven't really cleared up since, I'm still operating on what I'd estimate is only 75% hearing. Better than the 25% I had when it first came on, but suffice to say I have a new appreciation for those who need hearing aids and am glad that the hearing aid mode on my Airpods spontaneously activated a few months ago as I've been using it a lot recently. Doctor says it's just liquid behind my eardrums that isn't draining, supposedly it might take 8-12 weeks in some cases.

It seems like everyone at work has been sick a lot this winter as well, but I don't know if I'm just playing sickness-roulette at work and catching what everyone else has every time, or if I'm just having bad luck, but it's sucking.

I am on the tail end a virus/pneumonia.
Started feeling like **** last week Wed/Thursday, Progressed into Friday night and I haven't left the bed since Saturday.

Walk-in doc said it is virus or bacteria in the lungs. Put me on 5 days of antibiotics and a follow up chest x-ray once pills are done.
Symptoms were coughing and fever. First night I was shaking so bad at night I thought my should was going to jump out of my body.
Family doc said that based on symptoms, it could be C-19 as he has a lot of it but even testing for it will not change much at this point.

Today is the first day that I am able to get around and even took the dog for a walk. I am forcing myself to move around as my back is a lot of paid if I lay down in that bed again. Almost 120hrs of laying in bed is not good on my back.

I think the last time I was sick was Nov 2023.

For the most part, I am (thankfully) generally healthy and do not take any daily supplements.
Recently have had some inflation in my left knee. Maybe I should start to consider some exercise or supplements . Turning 42 in a week or so.
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I've had bronchitis symptoms for the last yr or more. Not going down a rabbit whole here, but i wish i would have never been forced to get the the covid vac so i could work
I am on the tail end a virus/pneumonia.
Started feeling like **** last week Wed/Thursday, Progressed into Friday night and I haven't left the bed since Saturday.

Walking doc said it is virus or bacteria in the lungs. Put me on 5 days of antibiotics and a follow up chest x-ray once pills are done.
Symptoms were coughing and fever. First night I was shaking so bad at night I thought my should was going to jump out of my body.
Family doc said that based on symptoms, it could be C-19 as he has a lot of it but even testing for it will not change much at this point.

Today is the first day that I am able to get around and even took the dog for a walk. I am forcing myself to move around as my back is a lot of paid if I lay down in that bed again. Almost 120hrs of laying in bed is not good on my back.

I think the last time I was sick was Nov 2023.

For the most part, I am (thankfully) generally healthy and do not take any daily supplements.
Recently have had some inflation in my left knee. Maybe I should start to consider some exercise or supplements . Turning 42 in a week or so.
Holyyyyyy, old man over there!

43 in May 🙈
Family doc said that based on symptoms, it could be C-19 as he has a lot of it but even testing for it will not change much at this point.

The last "mystery" illness coupled with chest infection I had a month back (that also clogged my ears) came with a complete and total loss of smell and taste. I immediately thought "Covid", but I ran 3 tests over the period of 3 days and every one came up negative. So who knows WTF caused that.

Can't recall the last time i was sick..

Sorry you're having a rough one!

The nature of my job simply puts me in a high risk group - in and out of all sorts of factories and facilities all day long dealing with countless people in countless rooms, some of dubious cleanliness, using public restrooms, restaurants, etc. It's not uncommon for people in our trade to be sick more than average (same goes for flight attendants, teachers, etc, all the same reasons), but holy heck I feel like I can't escape it this winter, just going from one thing to the next it feels like.
The last "mystery" illness coupled with chest infection I had a month back (that also clogged my ears) came with a complete and total loss of smell and taste. I immediately thought "Covid", but I ran 3 tests over the period of 3 days and every one came up negative. So who knows WTF caused that.
I did have headache pain ear pain for 2 days in the morning. As if you shoved a pencil into my ear.

Not really and loss of smell or taste. At times plain water tasted sweet to me but that could have been as a result of the antibiotic as it is common with the ones given to me.
Not really and loss of smell or taste.

Mine came on in a matter of hours. I came home and cooked a quick dinner as I was solo that night, so it was a sandwich and some pickles type thing. I bit into the dill pickle and tasted...nothing. First thing I'd thought was that the (not made in the USA) store brand pickles I'd bought for the first time were just crappy compared to our usual Bics, but then I bit into the sandwich and realized I couldn't' taste that either lol.
Unfortunately I work with plague rats. Been sick twice this winter.
Mine came on in a matter of hours. I came home and cooked a quick dinner as I was solo that night, so it was a sandwich and some pickles type thing. I bit into the dill pickle and tasted...nothing. First thing I'd thought was that the (not made in the USA) store brand pickles I'd bought for the first time were just crappy compared to our usual Bics, but then I bit into the sandwich and realized I couldn't' taste that either lol.
Funny thing is that the first real breakfast I had was yesterday. Wife made me a sandwich with some dill pickel. They were really salty. Sort of tasted good but I think my wife accidently threw an extra pinch in there. They are not normally that salty.

Do yourself a favour and buy some REAL dill pickles.

Go to any Polish store in the Oshawa/Whitby area and buy a jar of it. They have more varieties than you can imagine.
You will thank me later.

Even better if you can get some home made ones.
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As most of you (hopefully) know I've had a massively ****** last 8 months, I'm amazed my health hasn't been impacted. Especially surprised shingles haven't for the third time returned. Shingles are no joke.
As most of you (hopefully) know I've had a massively ****** last 8 months, I'm amazed my health hasn't been impacted. Especially surprised shingles haven't for the third time returned. Shingles are no joke.
Can spot you on the shingles. Got hit with a case when we were buying our first home. No fun at all, and I was lucky to catch it early. Something about forking over that hard-earned down payment for something I was utterly convinced was massively overvalued might have triggered the stress. Of course that was 2015...

As for the OP, I'm going to try to avoid the self-jinx, but others in my office have been hit hard. There was a period for a week or so in January where literally half of the 50-odd people normally there were down.
Can't recall the last time i was sick..

Sorry you're having a rough one!
Me too. Haven’t needed a single sick day in the last decade. Never got Covid

I did get Norwalk last year and that was a rough - but it only lasted a day.

I’m too busy to get sick.
Can spot you on the shingles. Got hit with a case when we were buying our first home. No fun at all, and I was lucky to catch it early.
I only caught my first case quickly because my brother ignored his. His were on his face...
As most of you (hopefully) know I've had a massively ****** last 8 months, I'm amazed my health hasn't been impacted. Especially surprised shingles haven't for the third time returned. Shingles are no joke.
My wife has had it twice.

I don't wish it upon my worse enemy.
Got something that had me coughing up yellow mucus for over a month. At one point it was every thirty seconds and I had to try to sleep downstairs in a chair to A) Not infect my wife, B) Be able to breathe without coughing up a lung. Getting over it now, and it’s down to every 15-30 minutes.

Going in for a biopsy tomorrow, so I hope it doesn’t come back.

Just got my second shingles shot. A couple of weeks and I’ll be vaccinated as though I was in the armed forces. One more rabies and a couple of other things to go.
This past fall/winter both my wife and I got very sick, hung on for months.
Before this were we rarely ever sick.
Each year in December after that long nearly 15 hour flight from YVR to BNE with those effing sick kids aka rug rats with running noses on the aircraft sitting a row over from me.

Down and out for 10 to 14 days after arrival with a temperature and one hell of a lingering cough. Other than that, I am never sick.
Could be COVID 25. I am sure there are more puppets out there that will get 5+ jabs based on what some politician spews. :rolleyes:
Other than Politically Induced Stress Syndrome I've been fine. I did a cardio stress test the other day and it didn't kill me. It did remind me I need more legwork. My wife came down with a gastro event a couple of weeks ago and some of the symptoms seemed Covid like but tests were negative. She's fine now. TURP recovery seems to be going well.
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