Harvard Students Claim America Is A Bigger Threat Than ISIS

Look at any American made war movie. Or Western. That same mentality is how American government views other people. No wonder people hate Americans. Don't let your close proximity cloud your judgement.
Look at any American made war movie. Or Western. That same mentality is how American government views other people. No wonder people hate Americans. Don't let your close proximity cloud your judgement.

bollywood films do the same thing, any sort of "hero-based" movie, book, story, will display the bad guy as inept, immoral, stupid, slow, and dominable.

its not just american movies.
bollywood films do the same thing, any sort of "hero-based" movie, book, story, will display the bad guy as inept, immoral, stupid, slow, and dominable.

its not just american movies.

Inept, immoral, stupid, slow and dominable may be less than desirable human traits. A lot of American movies make other cultures look subhuman.
Harvard students claim America is a bigger threat than ISIS? It's no claim, it's a fact! The US are the ones that created this mess in the first place.
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