Harley Reports 12 Percent Worldwide Motorcycle Sales Drop In Q1 Of 2023

Well people are back to work less time dealing with the pandemic and free time. I believe other industries are also seeing sales numbers drop. I know the computer world has seen something like a 40% drop.
That would be the scariest job around , most of those American customers may own guns , be a bit possessive and aren’t doctors and accountants.

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I'm slightly surprised that given their target market HD didn't go with the Tesla solution and have gps and/or ecu lockout on financed bikes. Trying to lift them from houses has to be the most dangerous game around. Letting HD know when it was out (and ideally they could disable ecu when it was stopped at the bar/tim hortons) simplifies the process and makes it safer.
I'm slightly surprised that given their target market HD didn't go with the Tesla solution and have gps and/or ecu lockout on financed bikes. Trying to lift them from houses has to be the most dangerous game around. Letting HD know when it was out (and ideally they could disable ecu when it was stopped at the bar/tim hortons) simplifies the process and makes it safer.
HD is averse anything technological advance for the legacy lineup. The best I can figure it out will be printed map punch card that you have to insert in the bike mounted punch clock every time you go for a ride... If that make any sense
HD is averse anything technological advance for the legacy lineup. The best I can figure it out will be printed map punch card that you have to insert in the bike mounted punch clock every time you go for a ride... If that make any sense
I understand not modernizing the heart or look but buried electronics that help you avoid a 60M loss (with no obvious end to the bleeding) seems reasonable.
I understand not modernizing the heart or look but buried electronics that help you avoid a 60M loss (with no obvious end to the bleeding) seems reasonable.
But then the second part of the equation, the freedom loving don't tread on me finance in 80 months zero down American people would never subject themselves to this affront to the their constitutional right to buy anything and necessarily have the money to pay for it or not...
From a demographic perspective HD's core supporters, i.e. White folk in their latter years, are declining in term of numbers and purchasing power. If you're working at McDonalds for $12 / hour you're not buying a $40k Screaming Eagle HD. You can expect HD's numbers to decline steadily over the next 5 - 10 years minimum. No surprise here.

Also, Livewire is a dead end brand. Means nothing to hardcore HD supporters and pretty much nothing to anyone else. HD's foray into adventure biking with the Pan Am will die out as well.

In other news, there is a killer HD BOGO special on buggy whips and horseless carriages at local HD dealers. Get there early or be disappointed.........
I thought a lot of HDs lived on trailers, making it easy.
I have no idea about repo laws and trailers. I know many states do not allow opening a locked gate or garage. Repo agent cant take the trailer (unless it has an open repo too). I assume (but could be wrong) that a locked trailer is sufficient to block a repo as that is similar to a locked gate.
I have no idea about repo laws and trailers. I know many states do not allow opening a locked gate or garage. Repo agent cant take the trailer (unless it has an open repo too). I assume (but could be wrong) that a locked trailer is sufficient to block a repo as that is similar to a locked gate.
I think you're right but somewhere I read of the empty trailer being returned. Goods inside a vehicle I think must be released as well.

It seems the police can't be bothered with actual bike thefts so the chances of them getting involved with borrowing and returning a trailer is slim.
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