
This was a great piece. Was watching it last night. I have always been a believer of happiness being an internal matter and a mindset rather than one that is decided by the external factors. If you learn to be happy (as stated in this CBC piece), youll be happy no matter what the situatin is. On the other hand, those who wait for the perfect moment to be happy will be chasing that dream until they die.

I also am a strong believer that capitalism is a huge factor in our unhappiness because every commercial, movie, show and society as a whole teaches us to be hungry for more and more and to never be satisfied (someones gotta keep the makrets alive). This means that regardless of how good we have it(and most of us in Canada really do), some of us will never rest until they have the newest benz and when they get it, they want something else.

Greed is a diseas (of not controlled) and if you dont learn to control it and be happy with what you got, youll spend the rest of your life chasing the dream they installed in your head and youll never get there. Greed is a bottomless pit that no amount of property will fill and therefore an unhappy life until youre dead. Go to Cuba and look at their state of mind while living in what we would percieve as extreme poverty.

Thanks for posting this.

This Pink Floyd song/clip sums up what im trying to say much better thani can lol

This was a great piece. Was watching it last night. I have always been a believer of happiness being an internal matter and a mindset rather than one that is decided by the external factors. If you learn to be happy (as stated in this CBC piece), youll be happy no matter what the situatin is. On the other hand, those who wait for the perfect moment to be happy will be chasing that dream until they die.

I also am a strong believer that capitalism is a huge factor in our unhappiness because every commercial, movie, show and society as a whole teaches us to be hungry for more and more and to never be satisfied (someones gotta keep the makrets alive). This means that regardless of how good we have it(and most of us in Canada really do), some of us will never rest until they have the newest benz and when they get it, they want something else.

Greed is a diseas (of not controlled) and if you dont learn to control it and be happy with what you got, youll spend the rest of your life chasing the dream they installed in your head and youll never get there. Greed is a bottomless pit that no amount of property will fill and therefore an unhappy life until youre dead. Go to Cuba and look at their state of mind while living in what we would percieve as extreme poverty.

Thanks for posting this.

This Pink Floyd song/clip sums up what im trying to say much better thani can lol


I've never been one to chase the material things in excess. Or maybe I try too hard and do the opposite. Bike is a 96 and car is a 06. There are some things out of one's control that create unhappiness. But I have been fortunate overall. Just hard to see it sometimes.
I've never been one to chase the material things in excess. Or maybe I try too hard and do the opposite. Bike is a 96 and car is a 06. There are some things out of one's control that create unhappiness. But I have been fortunate overall. Just hard to see it sometimes.

Im the same way. 06 bike and 07 car, Nothing fancy. And before the skeptics give the usual and biased counter argument to whoever speaks agains materialism or capitalism by saying, oh youre probably not successful or uneducated and thats why youre preaching this. Ill say this, I have my masters and i have a professional job in the financial district so no, im not saying this because i couldnt make it. But like many others who im sure are much more educated and successful than me here have relized , chasing materialistic dreams is a dead end. making money is fine as long as you dont trade off much more important parts of life like family, travelling, experiences and ... to drive a nice Benz. Most of us sacrifice the most principal elements out our lives and miss out on even family to drive a better car and have a bigger house while being completely lonely and miserable.
So far I'm really enjoying this lecture series.
So far I'm really enjoying this lecture series.

Keep this in mind: "The first sign of death is to stop growing."

That is the prime driving force behind corporations. They must sell you more every year or their stock values plummet.
Keep this in mind: "The first sign of death is to stop growing."

That is the prime driving force behind corporations. They must sell you more every year or their stock values plummet.

This is why I hate people who preach the short sighted merits of this. I'm taking a different approach, so among the IN crowd I'm fast tracking to Loserville. On the positive side my current rides are numbers matching.
I also am a strong believer that capitalism is a huge factor in our unhappiness because every commercial, movie, show and society as a whole teaches us to be hungry for more and more and to never be satisfied (someones gotta keep the makrets alive). This means that regardless of how good we have it(and most of us in Canada really do), some of us will never rest until they have the newest benz and when they get it, they want something else.

Have you read this?

"If you want to be happy, be." - Leo Tolstoy
Stoics had a very interesting philosophy on how to perceive life in order to be happy (or less sad).

Wanna be happy? Be happy with your station in life whether garbage man or billionaire playboy. But do not settle for what you do not want.
.accept where you are right now and always try to do better for you and the people around you but accept that sometimes you just are only going to be as rich , fit , fulfilled as your capabilities , luck and genetics allow.
Edit. Was not happy with original post.
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