Guilty plea v. conviction - any difference? |

Guilty plea v. conviction - any difference?


Well-known member
As per title, is there any difference between pleading guilty to a HTA offence as opposed to fighting it and being convicted?

I know if you plead guilty you will pay less and get fewer demerit points. But other than that, is there any real difference between pleading v. conviction?
If you have more than one ticket, you can get most of them dropped in exchange for a plea-deal on one. You can also get more time to pay, and depending on your financial situation you can get a suspended sentence ($0 fine).
From my understanding, if the officer gave you a reduced ticket (code R) and you take it to trial, you are fighting for the non-reduced ticket. I could be wrong though.
Insurance doesn't care how you got convicted. Guilty plea/being found guilty at trial/missing your court date are all treated the same.
Pleading guilty is an acceptance of guilt. It's exactly the same thing as being found guilty at trial.
From my understanding, if the officer gave you a reduced ticket (code R) and you take it to trial, you are fighting for the non-reduced ticket. I could be wrong though.

Could be fighting the unreduced charge. Not necessarily.
As per title, is there any difference between pleading guilty to a HTA offence as opposed to fighting it and being convicted?

I know if you plead guilty you will pay less and get fewer demerit points. But other than that, is there any real difference between pleading v. conviction?

Just for clarification the only way your "demerit points will be reduced" is if the crown elects to accept a plea to lesser charge with less points assigned. If you plead guilty to the same charge and get a reduced fine the points remain unchanged

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