Guess this is the end


I got my M2 last September, and bought my self a used 2010 Ninja 250. Insurance at the time was ~2000, which was high but the cheapest I could find being a new rider under 25. This year, since Aviva won't be renewing my insurance and I want to get a new bike I started calling around. Seems like for me to be able to drive a 2018 Ninja 650, the cheapest insurance is a little over 5,500/year while the 250 is now a little over 3,500 both through echelon. Seems like I can't afford to drive a motorcycle anymore. I'll probably look into renting a motorcycle to do my M next march and ride again once the rates are reasonable. I'm in North York by the way, around Finch and Weston.
The drastic jump on price for the 650 isn't surprising, thats a pretty massive upgrade for a first/second year rider.

The increase on the 250 is a bit surprising. Have you actually called around to other insurers before just giving up?

Worst case, if you really still just want to be on 2 wheels, look at a 650 CC cruiser style vs sport.
Not a massive upgrade at all lol, it has low HP and its mostly considered a starter bike. Give TD a call they gave me good rates, was also with Aviva
Not a massive upgrade at all lol, it has low HP and its mostly considered a starter bike

So are a lot of >650CC cruisers, but insurance companies are starting to pay less attention to HP anymore and more attention to just CC's and bike style more than anything else. My wife's insurance basically doubled when she upgraded from her Vstar 650 to her current Vstar 1100, and the horsepower difference was something like +20.
Not a massive upgrade at all lol, it has low HP and its mostly considered a starter bike. Give TD a call they gave me good rates, was also with Aviva

Giving them a call now, although their online qoute thing told me 10k for both a ninja 650 and then again for a ninja zx-6r. Might have to go with a Ninja 400, if this doesn't pan out :(
I am 22 with my M2 and am with desjardin, I pay about 1700 for my sportster 1200 and 1400 for my VFR800. I would call them.
I am 22 with my M2 and am with desjardin, I pay about 1700 for my sportster 1200 and 1400 for my VFR800. I would call them.
Do you mind letting me know which agent you went through? I was quoted 6880.00 earlier today through Li Chen's office
Alternatively (to Desjardins), give Dalton Timmis and/or Mitchel & Whale a call. They are brokers and will help find something suitable for your need. They can check with Intact for you, amongst other insurers. Although having M would help I think, given your age. I got a 650cc when I was 27 and had just got my M. Paid $1650 for the first year, and $1440 for the 2nd, with intact. Desjardins quoted 1550 at the time.

If not 650, try 500. Should make a significant difference IMO. Honda cbr500r looks good.
You need to keep an insurance history going for 7 years with the absolute cheapest ride that exists first. Something like a C90 might do it :|
I got my M2 last September, and bought my self a used 2010 Ninja 250. Insurance at the time was ~2000, which was high but the cheapest I could find being a new rider under 25. This year, since Aviva won't be renewing my insurance and I want to get a new bike I started calling around. Seems like for me to be able to drive a 2018 Ninja 650, the cheapest insurance is a little over 5,500/year while the 250 is now a little over 3,500 both through echelon. Seems like I can't afford to drive a motorcycle anymore. I'll probably look into renting a motorcycle to do my M next march and ride again once the rates are reasonable. I'm in North York by the way, around Finch and Weston.
Not the end. Shop shop shop around. Stay positive. I wouldn't be in such a rush to get a 650. I'd ride the 250 for another season or go up marginally to a Ninja 300, or the newer 400, or you could give the RC390 a go --all will be cheaper to insure over anything 600cc +.

And shop around.

Sent from my SGH-M919V using mobile app
Do you mind letting me know which agent you went through? I was quoted 6880.00 earlier today through Li Chen's office
Depends on area code as well. Nothing is completely comparable.
I got my M2 in August 2018 and bought a 2018 GSX750Z, I called at least 7 companies + 3 brokers. Some of them quoted me from 5k-8k/ year which are TD, Rider Plus(via Aviva) finally I called M&W and they found me a company which quoted me 3k/year (I am 26yo) Markham.

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I am 22 with my M2 and am with desjardin, I pay about 1700 for my sportster 1200 and 1400 for my VFR800. I would call them.

Gave their general number a call, quoted be over 6k. They referred me to an agent, I'll try giving him a call.

What does your drivers abstract look like? Something tells me you have a few demerit points.

Just paid for the driver abstract, it's pretty underwhelming. I have nothing under convictions, discharges, and other actions. If there was something under there, atleast I'd know why the rates are so high. :(

Alternatively (to Desjardins), give Dalton Timmis and/or Mitchel & Whale a call. They are brokers and will help find something suitable for your need. They can check with Intact for you, amongst other insurers. Although having M would help I think, given your age. I got a 650cc when I was 27 and had just got my M. Paid $1650 for the first year, and $1440 for the 2nd, with intact. Desjardins quoted 1550 at the time.

If not 650, try 500. Should make a significant difference IMO. Honda cbr500r looks good.

I'll give them a call, thanks.

Not the end. Shop shop shop around. Stay positive. I wouldn't be in such a rush to get a 650. I'd ride the 250 for another season or go up marginally to a Ninja 300, or the newer 400, or you could give the RC390 a go --all will be cheaper to insure over anything 600cc +.

And shop around.

Sent from my SGH-M919V using mobile app

I've been asking about the 400. While it is cheaper, it's still 4k. I'll try M&W, and see if they can do any better.

I got my M2 in August 2018 and bought a 2018 GSX750Z, I called at least 7 companies + 3 brokers. Some of them quoted me from 5k-8k/ year which are TD, Rider Plus(via Aviva) finally I called M&W and they found me a company which quoted me 3k/year (I am 26yo) Markham.

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Thanks, I'll give them a call
Gave their general number a call, quoted be over 6k. They referred me to an agent, I'll try giving him a call.

Just paid for the driver abstract, it's pretty underwhelming. I have nothing under convictions, discharges, and other actions. If there was something under there, atleast I'd know why the rates are so high. :(

I'll give them a call, thanks.

I've been asking about the 400. While it is cheaper, it's still 4k. I'll try M&W, and see if they can do any better.

Thanks, I'll give them a call
OP, try getting a quote for the Kawasaki er6n or z650, which are the naked versions of ninja 650. It may make a difference.
OP, try getting a quote for the Kawasaki er6n or z650, which are the naked versions of ninja 650. It may make a difference.
If he's getting quotes for 4k for a ninja 400 he's already screwed.
Yeah, got quoted 3.5k Ninja 400 through echelon. Seems to be the lowest I can get. Thanks guys, looks like I'll have to wait a couple years for the 650. Or move. I'll be getting my M next March and reevaluate then.
And here I am piss*d off about Intact charging me $950/yr for a Kawasaki 750cc sports-tourer. I was paying $750 just 2 years ago, wonder what they are going to charge me now.

So Desjardins also insures motorcycles?? That's my automobile insurance company, I'm going to give them a call.
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