GTAM group ride


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9/10. Video needs more tow trucks.
no GTAM people in that ride they would all be inside on the internet claiming how fast they are:p
Funny stuff.I'll bet the film crew had a blast doing it.
Canadian Tire should film a second commercial with all the kids hanging/posing at the local Timmies parking lot.
I hope it gets kids off the couch and riding bikes
Here in Pet it's nice to see that most kids seem to be allowed to get on their bikes, meet up with their friends and go do kid stuff until it gets dark. Never see kids younger than like 15 out doing their own thing in Ottawa.

I can identify yo!

Me in the Nascar hat and flippy floppies!!!!!

Sweet... Take that thing off any jumps?
Here in Pet it's nice to see that most kids seem to be allowed to get on their bikes, meet up with their friends and go do kid stuff until it gets dark. Never see kids younger than like 15 out doing their own thing in Ottawa.

Sweet... Take that thing off any jumps?

The spring seat suspension's travel is a bit limited so, I can only manage a small table top. I'd face plant the triple jump.

BTW, that beer gut is paid for in full.
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