Group of riders evade a police road block - 32 arrests and 155 tickets issued!!!


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This is one serious police roadblock gone wrong, looks like a scene from a movie or something.... wow.

Video Link: Watch these riders evade a police road block - 32 arrests and 155 tickets issued!!!

Seen this a while ago and like thousands of other people said, this video doesnt tell the whole story........supposibily some bikers where driving like morons to begin with.
as soon as i got off the highway i'd break away from the pack like i don't know you people... idiots...
i can't decide who's dumber in that video, the bikers doing all the dumb **** or the cops atte,pting to stop a couple hundred bikes while ramming bikes
i can't decide who's dumber in that video, the bikers doing all the dumb **** or the cops atte,pting to stop a couple hundred bikes while ramming bikes


I'm not sure of what the laws are but that last one with the cop car and the bike w/ passenger. I wonder what would've happened if they had ended up being knocked over and the chick on that back being hurt.
lol, evading popo will piss them off, stirring the hornets nest, but looks like they just want to bump them off...risky game of chicken on both parts...
Stopping for a road block on a heat score ride... hmmm.... going on such a ride without the confidence, willingness and skills to avoid that confrontation is a recipe for disaster. Majority of riders knew what they were getting themselves into and knew what they were doing. They went home and have a good story to go with it.

If you cut the idiots out of these rides, it's the best of the best taking control of the roads doing what they like to and having more freedom to do so without the idiots getting in their way. Just watching those videos was appalling, seeing them stop and not logically weaving through the roadblock.

When you have such idiots on those rides, police and the media can brag with statistics of arrests and impounds that serve as deterrence for anyone to do such a thing in the future as in this case. If the police and media couldn't produce such statistics, even with air support, these rides would go uncontested and we'd have a more dominant riding culture.

I'm not sure of what the laws are but that last one with the cop car and the bike w/ passenger. I wonder what would've happened if they had ended up being knocked over and the chick on that back being hurt.

Probably just a whole lot of hurt for the riders. They were taking their bikes off the road and onto the grass; at that point, you've pretty much given up your rights as a motor vehicle operator, and would be subject to whatever the hell enforcement is required to get your *** to stop.

They may be able to claim that they were doing no wrong and were just attempting to avoid the roadblock, but that **** would never fly in legitimate traffic, so I see no reason why it would in this case.
Probably just a whole lot of hurt for the riders. They were taking their bikes off the road and onto the grass; at that point, you've pretty much given up your rights as a motor vehicle operator, and would be subject to whatever the hell enforcement is required to get your *** to stop.

They may be able to claim that they were doing no wrong and were just attempting to avoid the roadblock, but that **** would never fly in legitimate traffic, so I see no reason why it would in this case.

Oh yeah for sure. I more meant for the passenger. Type of thing where like if you're in a car and the driver decides he is going to go 180 km/h. What are you supposed to do.. jump out? I just think it would be ****** if that bike got smashed and the girl lost all her damn skin
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