Grey market bikes

Hi, Any Fzr400 riders out there? Would be cool to meet others and checkout the mods.

Hey you're the guy trying to sell a UVIP as an upgrade on Kijiji! Nice to meet you. (Just to let you know, again, you can't sell a bike without a UVIP. That's your responsibility as the seller)
Hey you're the guy trying to sell a UVIP as an upgrade on Kijiji! Nice to meet you. (Just to let you know, again, you can't sell a bike without a UVIP. That's your responsibility as the seller)

sure you can, but the seller has to have one to transfer ownership
You mean buyer Kellen.
UVIP is the responsibility of the seller according to the gov't, however it's not a law and 50% of people don't have it or don't even know what it is.
I've sold and bought vehicles with and without it.
Nice to see it but not a deal breaker if I'm getting a good price.
At any rate, it's only 20 bucks and one get order it online even, no need to go to MTO.

As for bikes, I almost bought an FZR400 four years ago but the seller wasn't home when I arrived on a scheduled pickup so I got ****** off and ended up with an SV650.
I don't regret that because SV was a great bike but I do want one of those 400s one day. Preferrably a VFR if I can ever afford it.
I'm down for a grey bike ride or meet up. When/where?

Technically the FZR400 wasn't a grey import though as they sold them in North America from 1987-1990. They didn't bring over the FZR400RR SP though. That was another trick bike we were deprived of.
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