Green plates on the highway?


New member
Can anyone tell me what are the legal repercussions of riding an insured green plated bike on the highway? What are the fines if you are stopped? Will your insurance cover you if you're in an accident?
OMG Really - Green plates are supposed to be on Limited Speed SCOOTERS ... that means it's under 50CC and should not be able to reach speeds higher then 70km/h ... IT's your funeral!
No green plated dirt bikes are what the op is talking about. Your best bet is to talk to your insurance company but I would imagine they could deny a claim. No idea on the fines etc.
My mistake. I went through the whole green plate white plate debate with my scooter when registering it with the MTO.

I got a white one because my scooter could hit 80 (it was imported) .. odd how they choose which scooters get white and which ones get green.
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