Green Plate Petition

I'd definitely support this.

Although, if you're not being a dick, local popo will likely not pull you over if it's obvious you're just traveling between trails. I was up at the Madawaska a few years ago and we had to ride the asphalt for a few kms back to our chalet. Just our luck that in that short distance, we rode by an RCMP vehicle. Obvious we were green plated: no headlights, no mirrors. He nodded at us as we passed him.
I haven’t ridden dirt in years but I support this 100%.
Keep at them and maybe they’ll come to their senses.

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Email sent!

HOWEVER it would be nice to give GREEN and BLUE plate bikes the same access/rights as ATVs a number of trails in Ontario are still 'ATV Only'.
In fact, really don't know why ATV and OFTR associations are separate entities. Both activities are so similar and deal with the same land access issues...
Email sent!

HOWEVER it would be nice to give GREEN and BLUE plate bikes the same access/rights as ATVs a number of trails in Ontario are still 'ATV Only'.
In fact, really don't know why ATV and OFTR associations are separate entities. Both activities are so similar and deal with the same land access issues...

It would be nice if the organizations could cooperate and get along, but it always has been about turf. The snowmobile clubs are well entrenched, collect and spend significant dollars on THEIR trail systems and object to any other use, the ATV guys don't want "dirt bikes" (used as a derogatory term) making noise and speeding on THEIR trails, and we trail riders object to the ATV's lumbering around our (few) designated narrow winding trails in the woods.

There's a bias against dirt bikes that has developed from many years of bad behavior, real and perceived. Trespassing, excessive noise, blasting up and down the street on an old clapped out 2 stroke etc. That these behaviors also happen on snowmobiles and ATV's doesn't matter to those who ride them. Dirt bikes are associated with youth, while snowmobiles and ATV's are ridden by mature family men. Bias cemented.

"Can't we all just get along?" - Well we haven't before and I see no indication that we're going to in the near future, so just make the best of it.

Don't get me started on equestrians.
It would be nice if the organizations could cooperate and get along, but it always has been about turf. The snowmobile clubs are well entrenched, collect and spend significant dollars on THEIR trail systems and object to any other use, the ATV guys don't want "dirt bikes" (used as a derogatory term) making noise and speeding on THEIR trails, and we trail riders object to the ATV's lumbering around our (few) designated narrow winding trails in the woods.

There's a bias against dirt bikes that has developed from many years of bad behavior, real and perceived. Trespassing, excessive noise, blasting up and down the street on an old clapped out 2 stroke etc. That these behaviors also happen on snowmobiles and ATV's doesn't matter to those who ride them. Dirt bikes are associated with youth, while snowmobiles and ATV's are ridden by mature family men. Bias cemented.

"Can't we all just get along?" - Well we haven't before and I see no indication that we're going to in the near future, so just make the best of it.

Don't get me started on equestrians.
A lot of truth to what you said. If everyone could respectful while riding their dirt bikes, it would help a great deal. You can still have fun being courteous and without breaking every law out there.
A lot of truth to what you said. If everyone could respectful while riding their dirt bikes, it would help a great deal. You can still have fun being courteous and without breaking every law out there.

Sadly a lot of the huge ***** that ruin it for everybody have nothing to do with any of the organizations. In the past I was almost run over by a dirt bike going balls out through the mountain bike trails in the northumberland forest (which are posted as no motorized vehicles). No obvious plates or permit stickers on the bike so I didn't even bother filing a complaint as it wouldn't matter.

My parents have a snowmobile trail through their land but they do not allow any summer vehicles as the bikes/atvs can't seem to help themselves and ride/drive like ***** and tear up the woods.
I ride both ATV and dirt bikes in the northumberland forest...for the most part riders are respectful and cautious....Very, very few sightings of irresponsible riders in my 7 yrs of riding that area, but there are bad apples in every basket....OPP have been out nailing riders using the closed trails (business has been good i hear) the trails are closed for a reason..and a good one..lets not **** it up .....GOOD NEWS is the trails open on May 15th:p
On a related note. From the Kawartha ATV Association on facebook.

TL:DR Getting Ontario Moving Act has passed. Actual changes to allow ATV/SxS on roads will take >18 months.

Bill 107 - Getting Ontario Moving Again...

There is a lot of confusion in the province regarding this new bill that was passed by the Ford government recently with respect to ATV's and SxS on roads. In all fairness even we were confused a bit at first but we took the time to reach out to our connections at the MTO, OPP, COHV, local municipalities and our MPP Laurie Scott to get a better understanding of it before providing our members and followers with any information. While it did get Royal Assent, that doesn't mean that it's in effect yet.

This is the official response we received:
"Currently, the Highway Traffic Act allows regulations and municipal by-laws to be made governing the operation of off-road vehicles on highways. The Act was amended to ensure that the regulations may allow the by-laws to prohibit off-road vehicles on municipal roads. The list below provides more detailed information on statutory and regulatory changes related to off-road vehicle access on highways:
- This change will consolidate rules around off-road vehicles and expands where off-road vehicles can be operated.
- It will allow off-road vehicles to be operated by default in municipalities with a default speed limit of 80 km/hr. Affected municipalities may create by-laws to disallow operation of off-road vehicles.
- This change will be implemented in 18-24 months. This will provide municipalities time to review their networks and put by-laws in place to restrict access where they deem appropriate."
The most important point to take from this is that this change is NOT in effect yet. It will be another 18 to 24 months before it is, so you still CANNOT ride your ATV or SxS on any road in Ontario unless there is a bylaw in place in that particular municipality that says you can. Always check with your local club for a list of the roads you can legally ride, and if there is no club then contact your municipal bylaw department.
Please share this information with your clubs and fellow riders and we'll do our best to answer any questions you may have!
Interesting. I noticed that there was another ATV accident over the weekend in West Lincoln this weekend. Theres been a few accidents already this year. I am not sure how many are on roads and if those are in areas where bylaws allow them.
I have a cottage up north and I always assumed when they allowed ATV's to ride on the shoulder that us dirtbikers were welcomed as well.

We ride around all the time up there (Huntsville area) even on roads and police never bother us....

I didn't even know we weren't allowed until I saw this post!
I have a cottage up north and I always assumed when they allowed ATV's to ride on the shoulder that us dirtbikers were welcomed as well.

We ride around all the time up there (Huntsville area) even on roads and police never bother us....

I didn't even know we weren't allowed until I saw this post!
I find the police up there to be a friendly and level-headed bunch. Don't be doing things that will cause death and they just tell you to be careful and carry on.
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