Great Pine enduro


Well-known member
A MX buddy of mine asked me yesterday if I was game to do the Great Pine coming up. For anyone that’s done it before a couple questions. The flyer says it’s a green plated event, I assume because it’s in the Ganny insurance is required? If I do it I’m going to be on a YZ125. Will I make it to the fuel truck on a stock tank? I mostly ride mx so I don’t really know my range going by mileage.
I believe the Gannaraska requires all vehicles to be insured, regardless of whether you're participating in an organized event or not. So you will also need a green plate.

I doubt that a stock tank on a YZ 125 would provide enough range to get to the gas stop. Additionally, there is a sound test to 94dB, and you require a spart arrestor.

I would suggest contacting OCMC (event organizer). Below is a link to the event flyer.

OO Great Pine Enduro - OCMC October 6 2019
Thank you. I have most of that stuff but I'm not sure about my buddy so just doing a little due diligence. The fuel tank issue might be a show stopper for me though. I sent them an email to confirm.
I agree, base it on time, MX bikes are designed to carry enough for a 20 minute moto at hard throttle minimum, you can make them go far longer by being light on the throttle with a 360cc type bike, but a YZ125 likes to be on the pipe a lot!
Buy a couple of camp style fuel bottles, fill em with race fuel and tape them to the bike.
Or get one of those front number plates that is actually a fuel container.
I've run the course pre/post event on a YZ450F with a stock tank (2.0gal) and had no issues with fuel between sections. Mind you I lug and I'm not screaming so it may depend on your style but I'd suggest you'll be fine.
I ride with plenty of guys regularly who compete in the Pine each year with no sparkys fyi (oem KTM/Husky silencers mostly).
I've run the course pre/post event on a YZ450F with a stock tank (2.0gal) and had no issues with fuel between sections. Mind you I lug and I'm not screaming so it may depend on your style but I'd suggest you'll be fine.
I ride with plenty of guys regularly who compete in the Pine each year with no sparkys fyi (oem KTM/Husky silencers mostly).
You can't lug a 125cc 2-stroke MX engine. Picture your KTM 300XC with the same big carburetor only less then half the engine displacement and torque.
You can't lug a 125cc 2-stroke MX engine. Picture your KTM 300XC with the same big carburetor only less then half the engine displacement and torque.
Yes, I've ridden 125 plenty and it's also very difficult to stay on the pipe on this Pines course as well as tight and rooted as it always is.
Thanks guys. I never heard back from the organizers but checking with my friend he doesn’t have insurance. So we won’t be doing it this year.
I don't believe you need insurance because the organizers cover it for the event.

My son has done the Mini Pine on a KTM 125sx without any issues with gas. The stops are usually in 40kms.
I agree, base it on time, MX bikes are designed to carry enough for a 20 minute moto at hard throttle minimum, you can make them go far longer by being light on the throttle with a 360cc type bike, but a YZ125 likes to be on the pipe a lot!
Buy a couple of camp style fuel bottles, fill em with race fuel and tape them to the bike.
Or get one of those front number plates that is actually a fuel container.

20 minute moto? Ever watch an MX race? They're 30 min plus 2 laps. Yes a 125 likes to be on the pipe, but good luck holding it wide open through the woods. And it is against the rules to carry fuel with you on the course and to fuel up outside of a designated gas stop.

The front number plate fuel tank isn't a bad idea though! I have one if @blackcamaro wants to borrow it.
I don't believe you need insurance because the organizers cover it for the event.
Is it a closed course? Otherwise from everything I've read you require insurance and a green plate, if it's a closed course you don't.
I don't believe you need insurance because the organizers cover it for the event.

My son has done the Mini Pine on a KTM 125sx without any issues with gas. The stops are usually in 40kms.
Event flyer says green plate required. No insurance, no green plate.

The issue is it's not a closed course. You may encounter someone not involved in the event somewhere along the way. It's not likely, but that's why you carry insurance.
... the one time I have ridden in an event where non-plated motorcycles were riding between the sections on bicycle path type walkways amongst the general public was Parry Sound. We were instructed to ride very casually and respectful of pedestrians for that part of the course and the authorities looked the other way while we were riding back and forth across the police station parking lot and along the waterfront :D that was pretty cool. Nothing bad happened.
Event flyer says green plate required. No insurance, no green plate.

The issue is it's not a closed course. You may encounter someone not involved in the event somewhere along the way. It's not likely, but that's why you carry insurance.

You don't need insurance to get a green plate.

The event promoter has to carry insurance to cover participants. If you signed in and paid to race, you should be covered by their insurance. I'm saying "should" just because I do not know 100%, more like 90%.

And for what it's worth, check your insurance, most will say that if you compete in a competition with your bike, that your policy is void. And at the end of the day...…. no one checks paperwork.
Promoter is usually just a tiny group of unpaid volunteers,
insurance is typically arranged via the sanctioning body and for us that would typically be CMA.

Would be interesting to see how OCMC does it.
Promoter is usually just a tiny group of unpaid volunteers,
insurance is typically arranged via the sanctioning body and for us that would typically be CMA.

Would be interesting to see how OCMC does it.

OCMC has it's own insurance policy for its club events, but stuff that is part of a series, like a hare scramble, cross country, or endur o are covered by the sanctioning body. When I was in the club those events were sanctioned by CMA, now I believe it's off road Ontario. Having said that, I seem to recall that the Ganaraska requires all motorized users to carry insurance and at minimum a green plate, regardless of participation in an event. In years past this wasn't an issue as endur o bikes needed to be blue plated as public roads were always part of the course.

Without a doubt people have participated in events without fulfilling the requirements because unpaid volunteers don't need or want to deal with the conflict.
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