GP Bikes / SMOntario Trackdays at Mosport RDT


Well-known member
In the never ending quest to find EPIC places to ride, Supermoto Ontario is excited to add 3 more riding dates you won't want to miss. We have been given the opportunity to have an ongoing session space at the Mosport RDT! For those that don't know RDT stands for Rider Development Track and for good reason! It's a place that Dave Arnold calls the best paved Supermoto course in all of Ontario so it will certainly test your mettle and you are guaranteed to become a better rider just for having ridden it.
GP Bikes, a dealer in Whitby has for years organized motorcycle track days at Mosport RDT with great success. They are well-run informal events which almost always sell out. Mosport allows 18 bikes per session and traditionally they rotate beginner, intermediate and advanced sessions for a total of 54 bikes. If we can consistently support 12-18 bikes we get our own 4th track session - ALL SUPERMOTO! Sessions will be in the 10 to 15 min range. These are the only three opportunities to run bikes on this track ALL YEAR.
While mixing it up with GSXr's and Ninjas is fun for a while, riding with your own affords a greater opportunity to learn the correct lines and riding technique used in Supermoto. RDT has great elevation changes and width allowing for safe passing and room to make mistakes as you learn. GPs' events at Mosport have corner marshals with radio communication, proper restrooms, paved pits, ambulance and even a chase vehicle should you break down in the back 40. Your entry also includes a free BBQ lunch with soft drinks. During lunch they accept optional donations for a local charity which is classy.
These great RDT events take place on holidays so there is no excuse not to come and hang. Heck you can even get two full days in at the cottage, blaze home with no traffic on Sun night and get full day of Moto in on the Monday. Events run rain or shine (not in lightening) and because entry is limited to 18 bikes, pre entry is required. Final fee is still being decided (based on commitment levels) but it will be at most $140.00 plus HST. If we can fill our class (or come close) the price will drop a bit. For access to this caliber of facility, completely organized with the amount of track time you get the price is very reasonable.
This one of those relaxed events where the amount you'll learn and the fun you'll have is hard to top! This is a great place to talk your friends into coming out and trying the sport!
For more info and how to pre-register go here:

Here is a video to give you an idea what the RDT track is like on board a supermoto:
Sounds good, I am hoping to come out for the next one. I hope my 125 smoker will be alright for this track:confused:
Pretty sure I can make it to this one,I will sighn up next week as GP is just a couple of minutes from my place.Im even going to try to make it to a Drumbo practice even though its a long drive for me.
Just a reminder that the GP Bikes track day is July 2nd. That's a week today. I am waiting for Jeff to be back in the shop at GP Bikes tomorrow and I am signing up.
I just registered. They did mention there will be no day of sign ins so you have to call in to pre register.
If more supermoto riders register we will get our own session.
Everyone sign up its going to be awesome.
I believe axle sliders arent required but a catch can and non-glycol based coolant (water or road race approved) are required. Your best bet is to call GP Bikes and ask what they require.
Also, a confirmation on the price - its $135 + HST
Yesterday's track day was awesome. It was my first day to the Mosport RDT track and definetly wont be my last. Dave Arnold was right that that track is incredible for supermotos - elevation changes, not too wide open and some nice corners to back it into
There was only 4 supermotos signed up for the supermoto group so we just rode with the advanced group. All you guys need to come to the next one or you are missing out. Too much fun!
I shot a bunch of video with my helmet cam so hopefully this week I can get something edited and posted up
Ditto what Jer said. That track is amazing. We rode in the advanced group and the paddock was lining up at the fence to watch us lap around the track. I sat 1 session out where 2 supermotos were riding together and it was very impressive to see SM bikes lapping wheel to wheel with each other. I almost crashed twice because I had to use the brakes so hard because I was about to rear end a GSX-R 1000 and a Triumph 675. Like I said we were in the advanced group too. These guys know how to ride. The Supermoto bikes were defiantly the quickest around that track.

If you can tell I am still very excited to have ridden that track and I WILL be going back. Hope to see more riders out there Aug 1st.
Sorry I couldn't come, I couldn't get annual leave from my Army tasking. It had to be short notice unfortunately. Will DEF. be there for the next two guaranteed.
Yeah I missed out too,really wanted to go but got swamped with work and had to work late all week plus saturday and sunday.I was looking forward to my first track time.
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