Over the last couple of years, you could still see enough bikes on any given evening. Generally, it can be any mix of the following 3 categories:
1) Poserus Typicus - Bonus points for getting tires in the color that matches the plastics.. Heavy wax residue on riding gear
2) The "racer" - Goes up and down Dundas while bounching off the revv-limiter (in 1st)
3) The "stunna" - Able to get his front wheel 6" off the ground.. Due to the new street racing laws, they are a dying breed, so their skill and awesomeness will slowly disappear. The only thing left will be those parking lot hooligans who don't even share their spots with "legit stunnaz"
I'm sure they're all paying for James' house, machinery, boats coke and hookers
To me, it's a brief stopover to grab a cup of coffee on the way out to/back from an actual ride and be able to leave my old, dirty, bug-ridden bike in peace.