Got a ticket for driving in diamond lane. |

Got a ticket for driving in diamond lane.


Well-known member
I was driving on Eglinton Ave. in the diamond lane and got an $80 ticket. All I want to ask is if this will affect my license ? Or, is it just like a parking ticket where I can just pay and be done with it.


the HTA refers to "king's highway's" only. It doesn't mention regular highways. -HTA 154.1(1) and o.reg 620/05
Eglinton Ave isn't a "king's highway" (eg 401 403 qew)

What does the ticket say? HTA or toronto by-law?

It is a moving violation, so if it were to happen on the King's highway it would affect insurance.
I got the same ticket a couple years ago.

Doesn't effect insurance.

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