
seems like a great deal after doing a quick search. The shipping is ridiculous at 45$. If you ship it to Buffalo it would be free. So if you can, ship to Buffalo and go pick it up.
Good camera and 206 delivered is a good deal especially if you get away without paying taxes. However, that's the go pro 1 and the newer model is out now. The newer model does seem to be a better option in terms of user friendliness.
It's a good price but shipping is definitely a rip. Best Buy was selling off the HD Hero (helmet package) for $179.99 which, after HST, is about the same price. They sold out quick though. I say go for it.
I bought the Hero2 recently and love it but I don't think it's worth the price premium over the previous gen. I just happened to have $200 in BB gift cards which brought the purchase price down to $195 after tax ;)
dayumm alright thanks for the input guys! will probably go for it hehehe so the hero 2 isnt too much better than the original hero? or is the hero 2 worth the extra monies..
I have the original HD hero and I'm not tempted for the Hero 2. If you're going to be doing the typical stuff that most people do with them, it's not worth it in my opinion.
alright thanks for the input guys! will probably go with the original hero !
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