good place to get manuals in toronto?


Well-known member
im looking for a haynes or any other reliable and more DIY manual for a 91 ex 500. does anyone know where the best place to get this or any manual for that fact other than the bookstores which ill be checking today? thanks in advance.
Just download the factory service manual. You can find a PDF online. If you want to spend some money buy a cheap thumb drive, put the PDF on there, and drive down to kinkos to get it printed and bound.
ive checked online already. although i havent put as much work into actually searching hard online, i dont think ill be able to find it. maybe ill do it today during class

as well, i am well into the ex-500 site. i need an actual manual that can tell me how to put back on a stator and flywheel, rads, etc. ill be needing an extensive DIY manual for tearing it down and bringing it back up as it is a project bike i am working on.
Go to the w

if they dont have it online, email them and they will send it to you

i got my owners/service manual from them
Haynes 2052 - Canadian Tire might be able to order it for you, either through their regular inventory or Keystone (or whatever it's called these days).

DRB Motors ( probably could order the Haynes manual for you too.
I wonder what that would cost? Maybe I can do it for my '93 sportster. It sounds like it may be legit, since you pay for it?
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